I installed node through homebrew 8 months ago.

  • I just tried to upgrade node through homebrew and it didnt work.

  • Instead, I got some message that encouraged me to run a line of code to fix it (I forget the code) but I think it broke my npm instead because my npm stopped working and I now get the error: zsh: command not found: npm when running any npm command.

  • I proceeded to completely uninstall node with this guide

  • I then began to reinstall node through homebrew with this guide

  • When I ran brew doctor I found that I have a lot of broken symlinks, including many npm files such as:




    (along with about 60 other npm files and other fils including):



Where do I go from here? I simply want to reinstall node and npm through homebrew so that they work properly. Should I remove the broken symlinks with brew prune: or will that cause more problems for me? Thank you.

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2 Answers2


brew prune is meant for this. You can also dry run it to see what will be removed with the --dry-run flag.

prune [--dry-run]
              Remove dead symlinks from the Homebrew prefix. This is generally not needed, but can be useful when doing DIY installations. Also remove broken  app
              symlinks from /Applications and ~/Applications that were previously created by brew linkapps.

              If --dry-run or -n is passed, show what would be removed, but do not actually remove anything.
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If you end up here because on the other way around you have a package installed with brew whose link seemed to disappear, relink like this:

brew unlink [package] && brew link [package]
Crazy Barney
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