We are facing performance issue on Production Postgresql Database server which is hosted in AWS RDS server. So that we installed postgresql in EC2 instance Linux server for pre-production and tried with shared buffer value 15% of RAM value we get some positive response.

So that, Definitely we can assign shared buffer value 15% to 30 % of RAM value. But when i trying to resize shared buffer value in Production DB server which i hosted in AWS RDS. it says invalid parameter value. By default following value is assigned for shared buffer parameter. shared buffer = {DBInstanceClassMemory/32768}
Please help me to resize shared buffer value is min 15 % of RAM memory. My Instance specification is : 2 CPU, 7.5 GB RAM (db.m3.large).

1 Answers1


If you want to set shared_buffers to 15% of RAM, put 147456 as value instead of {DBInstanceClassMemory/32768}...

shared buffers is set as number of 8kB blocks => calculating is such:

postgres=> select (15*7.5*1024*1024 /100)/8;
(1 row)


  • 15 is 15%
  • 7.5 is 7.5 GB of RAM
  • 1024*1024 to convert GB to KB (to unify against shared_buffers units
  • 8 is 8kB

then you have to reboot your RDS instance and check value with:

show shared_buffers; in psql

Vao Tsun
  • 37,644
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  • 1
    I advise leaving the existing format and update the `32768` by `54613` (100/15*8*1024). It will be 15% even if you up or downgrade the instance class – Antoine Lizée Sep 21 '20 at 08:05