I'm implementing a template vector-like class. I want my vector to operate on int and Product class, which is defined in main. It works good with int, but with Product class Valgrind reports the following:

==22629== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==22629== Copyright (C) 2002-2015, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==22629== Using Valgrind-3.11.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==22629== Command: ./a.out
==22629== v2 = ==22629== Invalid read of size 1
==22629==    at 0x4C30F62: strlen (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
==22629==    by 0x4018DF: Product (main.cpp:33)
==22629==    by 0x4018DF: my_vector (my_vector.h:24)
==22629==    by 0x4018DF: void test_my_vector<Product>(Product, Product) (main.cpp:100)
==22629==    by 0x400E67: main (main.cpp:175)
==22629==  Address 0x0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
==22629== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
==22629==  Access not within mapped region at address 0x0
==22629==    at 0x4C30F62: strlen (in /usr/lib/valgrind/vgpreload_memcheck-amd64-linux.so)
==22629==    by 0x4018DF: Product (main.cpp:33)
==22629==    by 0x4018DF: my_vector (my_vector.h:24)
==22629==    by 0x4018DF: void test_my_vector<Product>(Product, Product) (main.cpp:100)
==22629==    by 0x400E67: main (main.cpp:175)
==22629==  If you believe this happened as a result of a stack
==22629==  overflow in your program's main thread (unlikely but
==22629==  possible), you can try to increase the size of the
==22629==  main thread stack using the --main-stacksize= flag.
==22629==  The main thread stack size used in this run was 8388608.

Ok, it seems I pass NULL to strlen, but since I pass NULL and I don't have any Product constructors, which fill the name_ field with NULL, it implies I have already deleted object, which is being passed to copy constructor. At least these are my thoughts.

But I don't really understand where is my mistake. Maybe it is because of inappropriate use of placement new or some other memory-management fault.

I also have test_my_vector function, which tests my vector.


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <assert.h>
#include "my_vector.h"
using namespace std;
class Product {
    Product(const char* name, int quantity, double price){
        name_ = new char[strlen(name) + 1];
        strcpy(name_, name);
        quantity_ = quantity;
        price_ = price;

        name_ = new char[strlen("") + 1];
        strcpy(name_, "");
        quantity_ = 0;
        price_ = 0;

        delete [] name_;

    Product(const Product& other){
        price_ = other.price_;
        quantity_ = other.quantity_;
        name_ = new char[strlen(other.name_) + 1];
        strcpy(name_, other.name_);

    const Product& operator=(const Product& other){
        delete [] name_; 
        price_ = other.price_;
        quantity_ = other.quantity_;
        name_ = new char[strlen(other.name_) + 1];
        strcpy(name_, other.name_);
        return other;

    char* name_;
    int quantity_;
    double price_; 

template <typename T>  
void test_my_vector(T t1, T t2){
   //some asserts

int main() {
    test_my_vector<int>(5, 10);
    test_my_vector<Product>(Product("asdf", 4, 12.0), Product("qwe", -1, 7.5));
    return 0;

And my_vector.h

template <class T>
class my_vector{
    capacity_ = 0;
    size_ = 0;
    array_ = NULL;

my_vector(const size_t n){
    size_ = n;
    capacity_ = (size_t) pow(2, ceil(log(n)/log(2)));
    array_ = (T*)(new char[sizeof(T) * capacity_]());

my_vector(const my_vector<T>& other){
    size_ = other.size_;
    capacity_ = other.capacity_;
    array_ = (T*)(new char[sizeof(T) * capacity_]);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < size_; i++)
        new (&array_[i]) T(other.array_[i]), std::cout << i;

my_vector<T>& operator=(const my_vector<T>& other){
    this -> ~my_vector();
    size_ = other.size_;
    capacity_ = other.capacity_;
    array_ = (T*)(new char[sizeof(T) * capacity_]);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < size_; i++)
        new (&array_[i]) T(other.array_[i]);;
    return *this;

    for(size_t i = 0; i < size_; i++)
    delete [] (char*) array_;

void resize(const size_t n){
    size_ = n;

void reserve(const size_t n){
    if (n > capacity_){
        if(!capacity_) capacity_ = 1;
        while(capacity_ < n)
            capacity_ *= 2;
        T* new_array = (T*)(new char[sizeof(T) * capacity_]);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < size_; i++)
            new (&new_array[i]) T(array_[i]);;
        this -> ~my_vector();
        array_ = new_array;

void push_back(const T& t){
    if (!capacity_)
    else if(size_ == capacity_)
        reserve(2 * capacity_);
    new (&array_[size_]) T(t);

   size_t capacity_;
   size_t size_;
   T* array_;
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    Only post code that is relevant to your question, please. – BusyProgrammer Feb 26 '17 at 03:08
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    Please follow [these instructions](http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask) so that someone might actually comprehend what's going on – tabs_over_spaces Feb 26 '17 at 03:08
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    `Product` does not correctly handle self-assignment – M.M Feb 26 '17 at 03:09
  • @ABusyProgrammer I have reduced the code snippet, sorry. – user23316192 Feb 26 '17 at 03:15
  • @Felix192 Why not just use the [copy / swap idiom](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3279543/what-is-the-copy-and-swap-idiom) for your assignment operators? You're reimplementing your copy constructor, when you should be using it to your advantage. – PaulMcKenzie Feb 26 '17 at 03:16
  • Product's `operator=` is broken. It should be returning a non-const `*this`. Additionally, [pow() does not work the way you think it works](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18155883/strange-behaviour-of-the-pow-function). – Sam Varshavchik Feb 26 '17 at 03:22
  • @PaulMcKenzie I was using this concept in my previous versions, but then I decided to change it I don't know even why(may be to do memory-mangement more explicitly)... Can I do just `swap(*this, other);`? – user23316192 Feb 26 '17 at 03:23
  • @Felix192 *may be to do memory-management more explicitly* -- Why did you change it? You are already doing the memory management explicitly, in the copy constructor -- with copy / swap, all you're doing is reusing it. – PaulMcKenzie Feb 26 '17 at 03:25
  • `pow(2, ceil(log(n)/log(2)))` why so complex? `1 << log2(n)` would be much faster and more elegant. Use a fast `log2` inplementation from [here](https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#IntegerLogObvious) – phuclv Feb 26 '17 at 03:25
  • @Felix192 -- Your `test_my_vector` function doesn't test `my_vector` at all. It is an empty template function. – PaulMcKenzie Feb 26 '17 at 04:01
  • @PaulMcKenzie What do you mean by empty? I deleted the body, because it's irrelevant. – user23316192 Feb 26 '17 at 04:10
  • @Felix192 Your error [cannot be duplicated](http://ideone.com/zzHDJu). It is not irrelevant. How can you post it, and it is not used at all in your sample program? – PaulMcKenzie Feb 26 '17 at 04:22

1 Answers1


First error: Your my_vector constructor does not create objects. All it does is initialize the memory for the objects, but doesn't construct them. What winds up happening is that subsequent copy operations are working with invalid objects.

The correction is below:

my_vector(const size_t n)
    size_ = n;
    capacity_ = (size_t)pow(2, ceil(log(n) / log(2)));
    array_ = (T*)(new char[sizeof(T) * capacity_]());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size_; i++)
        new (&array_[i]) T();  // default construct objects

In addition, I don't recommend using pow if you're going to use integer exponents. The link in the comments, plus this one shows what can happen when using pow for integer calculations.

Second error: Your assignment operators are incorrect in that they do not check for self assignment. Save yourself all of that trouble and use the copy / swap idiom for your assignment operator:

#include <algorithm>
Product& operator=(const Product& other)
    Product temp(other);
    std::swap(temp.name_, name_);
    std::swap(temp.price, price);
    std::swap(temp.quantity_, quantity_);
    return *this;

The same thing can be done with my_vector:

my_vector<T>& operator=(const my_vector<T>& other)
    my_vector<T> temp(other);
    std::swap(temp.size_, size_);
    std::swap(temp.capacity_, capacity_);
    std::swap(temp.array_, array_);
    return *this;
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  • I assume you mean `temp` instead of `other` in the first case. Anyways it gives no result, there is still an invalid read of size 1... At least now it fails after `size_` iterations of for loop in copy constructor. – user23316192 Feb 26 '17 at 03:38
  • Then fix your copy constructor. The advantage of writing your assignment operators this way is that it tests whether your copy constructor is actually working correctly (as well as destructor). Once you get your copy constructor working correctly, then the assignment operator above will automatically work correctly. – PaulMcKenzie Feb 26 '17 at 03:46