I am trying to use darkbox and have ran into an error I do not understand. I am displaying a random image when the page loads or refreshes. That part works okay, different images occur. However the error console on Safari reports "Can't find variable:$, and nothing happens when I click the image. The line in question is in the script near the end, $(document).ready(function()

This is my code. I am not very good at javascript so I am not surprised if the answer is obvious to others. Sorry about the badly formatted code.

  $imageList = array(); 
  foreach(glob('randomimages/*.*') as $file) {
    $imageList[] = $file;
  $image = $imageList[array_rand($imageList)];      

<img src="<?php echo $image?>" id="darkboximg" data-darkbox="randomimages/<?php echo $image?>">  
<div id="darkboximg" style="width:100%"></div>
Amresh Venugopal
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4 Answers4


$ is not a javascript variable. $ is an alias to Jquery. So add jquery before your script.


Make sure JQuery is added.

In $("#darkboximg").load("$image"); should be $("#darkboximg").load( <?php echo '"' . $image . '"' ?>);

Try the following:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    $imageList = array(); 
    foreach(glob('randomimages/*.*') as $file) {
        $imageList[] = $file;
    $image = $imageList[array_rand($imageList)];  
  <img src="<?php echo $image?>" id="darkboximg" data-darkbox="randomimages/<?php echo $image?>">

  <div id="darkboximg" style="width:100%"></div>
      $("#darkboximg").load( <?php echo '"' . $image . '"' ?>);
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    $imageList = array(); 
    foreach(glob('randomimages/*.*') as $file) {
        $imageList[] = $file;
    $image = $imageList[array_rand($imageList)]; 
    var image = <?php $imageList[array_rand($imageList)] ?>;        

<img src="<?php echo $image?>" id="darkboximg" data-darkbox="randomimages/<?php echo $image?>">

            <div id="darkboximg" style="width:100%"></div>


            </div>`enter code here`

Thanks to those who offered answers. The problem was on the line

<img src="<?php echo $image?>" id="darkboximg" data-darkbox="randomimages/<?php echo $image?>">

Changed it to

<img src="<?php echo $image?>" id="darkboximg" data-darkbox="<?php echo $image?>">

and now it works.

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