The following code passes this row. The last column is named toscode. I am trying to weed out rows whose toscolumn contains "W1" anywhere in the name. No columns are set up as an index. Doesn't work.

I read that the $ (escape) in front of W1 is to prevent SQL injection. Not sure what the % do, but it might have to do with indexes which is maybe why it doesn't work.

| SPX    |   0 |    8.3 |    8.7 | 2017-03-24 |               0 |   30 | PUT |   2400 | SPXW170324C02400000 | .SPXW1703242400 |

MySqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@symbol", symbol);
cmd.CommandText = @"select * 
                    from contractdetails 
                    where symbol = @symbol 
                       && toscode NOT LIKE '%$W1%'
                       && Type = 'PUT' 
                       && oBid > .09 
                       && not ITM  
                       && Days > 10 
                       && Days < 120 
                    order by Days asc";
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1 Answers1


your LIKE clause should be:

toscode NOT LIKE '%W1%'

remove the '$' -it doesnt belong or have any meaning in a LIKE clause. You would only have to worry about SQL injection if it was user provided input, which in your example is not the case.

the '%' character is a wildcard, so anything could be before or after 'W1' in your search

Cam Bruce
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  • That works, but what about "escaping to prevent SQL injection"? Not that I care that much... – Ivan Feb 22 '17 at 23:51
  • Even [if you are escaping inputs, its not safe!](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5741187/sql-injection-that-gets-around-mysql-real-escape-string) Use [prepared parameterized statements](http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.quickstart.prepared-statements.php) – RiggsFolly Feb 22 '17 at 23:52