As titled, i am looking for an event that detects that the nestedscrollview reached the bottom of the layout.

1 Answers1


Found my solution based on the links @EugenUngurean and @rishit_s commented. Thank you very much guys.

Basically i inherited IOnScrollChangeListener.

public class EventFragment : MvxCachingFragmentCompatActivity<EventInfoViewModel>, IOnScrollChangeListener

Then create a NestedScrollView OnScrollListener and finished it with the interface of the listener. BottomSheet.SetOnScrollChangeListener(this);

 public void OnScrollChange(NestedScrollView v, int scrollX, int scrollY, int oldScrollX, int oldScrollY)

       if (scrollY == (v.GetChildAt(0).MeasuredHeight - v.MeasuredHeight))

        else if (scrollY == 0)