I've installed python 2.7.13 with homebrew but I need 2.7.10. It seems something trivial... I've seen similar questions like this or this but I haven't been able to install it.

I've tried to tap homebrew/versions and then do brew search python but there are no versions (rather than python2 and python3).

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1 Answers1


Homebrew doesn't do this, I would recommend using homebrew to install pyenv and then using pyenv to install and use python 2.7.10, and any other versions you need.

Get pyenv:

brew update
brew install pyenv

Then add eval "$(pyenv init -)" to your .bash_profile and relaunch terminal.

Install python 2.7.10:

pyenv install 2.7.10

You can then set 2.7.10 as the global python by using pyenv global 2.7.10 but I would instead recommend you look at the pyenv virtualenv or pyenv virtualenvwrapper projects and use a python virtual environment for your code, or set the python for your project folder only by cd'ing to your project folder and using pyenv local 2.7.10.