i searched for a long time on the web and didn't found anything helpful.

I record a 5s audiofile and upload it to Google Speech API. I get an empty response from Google, although in the same respond it says status=ok and give me the HTTP Responsecode 200. On the documentation it says that it was successful if it responses code 200 Here's my code for building the request

String audio = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString((WavFile.toString().getBytes()));

    JSONObject request_cfg = new JSONObject()
            .put("audio", new JSONObject()
                    .put("content", audio))
            .put("config", new JSONObject()
                    .put("encoding", "LINEAR16")
                    .put("sampleRate", 16000)
                    .put("languageCode", "de-DE"));
    String url = "https://speech.googleapis.com/v1beta1/speech:syncrecognize?key=" + ___YOUR_API_KEY___;


    HttpResponse<JsonNode> request = Unirest.post(url)

    JSONObject response = new JSONObject(request);

with that code the request body looks like this:


and the full response looks like this:


So I get the statusText=ok and an HTTP 200 Response, which according to the Google Docs means it was succsessful.

I recorded in Java. Here are the Parameters:

  • sample rate is 16000, I tried 41000 but that didn't work eigher
  • Bit/s 16
  • Channels 1
  • signed integer
  • little endian

I don't know what I have to do to get an answer from Google

thanks in regard

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