Problem: input is a (not necessarily sorted) sequence S = k1, k2, ..., kn of n arbitrary numbers. Consider the collection C of n² numbers of the form min{ki,kj}, for 1 <=i, j<=n. Present an O(n) time and O(n) space algorithm to find the median of C.

So far I've found by examining C for different sets S that the number of instances of the smallest number in S in C is equal to (2n-1), the next smallest number: (2n-3) and so on until you only have one instance of the largest number.

Is there a way to use this information to find the median of C?

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  • http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-046j-design-and-analysis-of-algorithms-spring-2012/lecture-notes/MIT6_046JS12_lec01.pdf – quintin Jun 12 '16 at 13:00
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    similer answer : https://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/1914/to-find-the-median-of-an-unsorted-array – roottraveller Jul 29 '17 at 08:32
  • Related post here - [Calculate the median of a billion numbers](https://stackoverflow.com/q/2571358/465053) – RBT Mar 02 '18 at 14:49

3 Answers3


There are a number of possibilities. One I like is Hoare's Select algorithm. The basic idea is similar to a Quicksort, except that when you recurse, you only recurse into the partition that will hold the number(s) you're looking for.

For example, if you want the median of 100 numbers, you'd start by partitioning the array, just like in Quicksort. You'd get two partitions -- one of which contains the 50th element. Recursively carry out your selection in that partition. Continue until your partition contains only one element, which will be the median (and note that you can do the same for another element of your choice).

Jerry Coffin
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  • But if the size of C is n^2 based on the original sequence S having n numbers, then wouldn't the run time of select performed on C be O(n^2)? – ejf071189 Nov 17 '10 at 04:15
  • Sorry -- I didn't read the question carefully enough. You're right -- this is linear on the number of items being searched in, not the number of unique items in that set. – Jerry Coffin Nov 17 '10 at 04:23
  • So can the fact that we know the number of instances of given repeated elements somehow be used in conjunction with the select algorithm? – ejf071189 Nov 17 '10 at 04:28
  • I don't think so -- the `select` algorithm starts by partitioning the elements, which means looking at all N^2 elements. – Jerry Coffin Nov 17 '10 at 04:33
  • Hmm, well it seems we need to i such that the ith element in S corresponds to the median of C. How does this sound: Since we know that the smallest element S appears in C (2n-1) times, the next smallest (2n-3) times, and so on. We can characterize the n^2 elements in C as (2n-1)+(2n-3)+(2n-5)...+1. This summation will have n total terms corresponding to the n elements of S. We know that we need to find the ith element in C where i=n^2/2. We calculate this value, compare this to (2n-1), (2n-1)+(2n-3), (2n-1)+(2n-3)+(2n-5) and so fourth until n^2/2 is less than this total... – ejf071189 Nov 17 '10 at 05:00
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    It is clear that the number of terms to achieve this is less than n/2, so we're only doing n/2 comparisons. The number of terms needed to achieve this corresponds to i, so that the ith element in S is equivalent to the median of C. We can then run select on S to find the ith element in O(n) time, so total run time is O(n). – ejf071189 Nov 17 '10 at 05:02
  • +1, it seems that at the end the algorithm reduces to the selection of the i-th element on the original unsorted sequence (which is indeed O(n) - on average). – Unreason Nov 17 '10 at 14:12
  • Hoare's algorithm is O(n^2) worst case. – domen Dec 22 '16 at 14:28
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    @domen: That's true. If you really need O(n), you probably want to use the median of medians algorithm instead (but keep in mind that it's slower on average to ensure against a worst case that rarely arises in practice). – Jerry Coffin Dec 22 '16 at 15:20

Yes, good puzzle. We can find median developing on the lines you said.

In C we have 1 occurence of max(k), 3 occurrence of next highest, 5 of next highest and so on

  1. If we ordered elements of C, number of elements on the left of mth highest number is m^2 (sum of odd numbers)

  2. The numbers that we are interested in (to calculate median) a. If n is odd is (n^2+1)/2 = alpha b. If n is even then alpha1 = n^2/2 and alpha2 = n^2/2+1 but alpha1=n^2/2 is never a square number => the number immediately on the right of alpha1 is equal to alpha1 (sum of first m odd numbers is square) => alpha1=alpha2.

  3. So it boils down to determining m such that m^2 (sum of first m odd numbers) is just higher than (n^2/2)

  4. So it boils down to determining m=ceiling(n/sqrt(2) and mth highest number in original sequence. (Whether to find mth highest or (n-m-1)th lowest is optimization).

  5. We can easily find mth highest number (just keep noting first m largest number from left) or use median of medians algortithm to do it in linear time.

Om Deshmane
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Wikipedia has a good article on Selection algorithms. If you are using C++, the STL includes a nth_element() algorithm with linear time on average.

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