I have written a code like following:

 newFilteredList.AsParallel().WithDegreeOfParallelism(60).ForAll(qqmethod =>
    var xdocic = new XmlDocument();
    xdocic.LoadXml(SendRequest(null, null, qqmethod.ItemID, true, TotalDaysSinceLastUpdate.ToString(), null));
    int TotalPages = 0;
    if (xdocic.GetElementsByTagName("TotalNumberOfPages").Item(0) != null)
        TotalPages = Convert.ToInt32(xdocic.GetElementsByTagName("TotalNumberOfPages").Item(0).InnerText);
    if (TotalPages > 1)
        Parallel.For(1, TotalPages + 1, i =>

            Products.Add(//Add something here);

        Products.Add(//add omething here);

The line where I get error is the following:

 var xdocic = new XmlDocument();
 xdocic.LoadXml(SendRequest(null, null, qqmethod.ItemID, true, TotalDaysSinceLastUpdate.ToString(), null));

And it says that some of these variables is either null or I'm missing something here.

On a side note, TotalDaysSinceLastUpdate variable is declared just as a regular integer variable, is that why I'm getting this error?

What could it be guys?

  • 95,392
  • 10
  • 185
  • 181
  • 3,273
  • 10
  • 38
  • 85

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