I am trying to run a function when the value of a variable changes. So far I am using setInterval for this but that is not good.

Is setInterval actually used in production at all or is that bad practice? Will it fill up the page with events in the browser cache and make the page slower the longer a user is on it?

This question talks about getters and setters but unfortunately I have difficulties understanding how those work and would be super happy about a jsFiddle or an explanation for a JS beginner.

This is what I am using now. If you resize the executing window the event will also trigger so you can actually use this jsFiddle without zooming the viewport.

var currentZoom = screen.width / window.innerWidth;

function getZoomValue() {

var screenWidth = screen.width;
var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
// http://www.quirksmode.org/mobile/viewports2.html
var zoomLevel = screenWidth / windowWidth;
    if (currentZoom != zoomLevel) {
        alert('zoom value/level changed to '+zoomLevel);
currentZoom = zoomLevel;
setInterval(getZoomValue, 1000);

How can I use a getter and setter for this scenario please?

This answer mentions using a global variable but there I do not understand how I can add the zoomLevel value to the global variable, plus using global variables is also bad practice, right?

Also, it says using Object.watch is not good, so I guess to really check cross-browser if a value of a variable has changed is to use a getter and setter, right?

I have checked and read through these three questions for research but I am still missing bits in my understanding. An explanatory answer with a possible jsFiddle would be highly appreciated.

edit People are pointing out in the comments that I should check the zoomLevel on resize event and that it won't change its value. Unfortunately it will indeed change its value if the user resizes the viewport.

window.addEventListener('resize', function(e) {
  var zoomLevel = screen.width / window.innerWidth;

So if I attach the function to get the zoomLevel the resize event I will also get values despite real zooming is not happening. This is pointed out in this comment.

Also Chrome and Firefox for Android do not fire resize events on zoom/pinch, only on orientation change, so getting the zoomLevel from the resize event also does not work in this scenario.

So how can I separate the window resize event results from the real zoom change event results and actually get the zoomLevel either with or without attaching it to the resize event?

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    Why don't you just use onresize event? – dfsq Jan 25 '17 at 15:40
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    In this case, a getter/setter doesn't work because `screen.width` and `window.innerWidth` are never *set* like a normal variable; they are changed by the environment to reflect the size of the window/screen in a way that can't be detected by a setter function. That is, there isn't any code that ever does a set like `window.innerWidth = ....` As suggested above, `window.onresize` sounds like a reasonable option. – apsillers Jan 25 '17 at 15:41
  • @dfsq The resize event also fires when scrolling on mobile devices (without zooming/pinch) so I cannot use it to check for pure zoom value change. [1](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17328742/mobile-chrome-fires-resize-event-on-scroll) & [2](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9361968/javascript-resize-event-on-scroll-mobile). – lowtechsun Jan 25 '17 at 15:44
  • Even if it fires on scroll, you can calculate zoomLevel, it will just not change. – dfsq Jan 25 '17 at 15:51
  • @apsillers Thank you for pointing this out! – lowtechsun Jan 25 '17 at 16:03
  • @dfsq zoomLevel will change on window resize as well as on zoom change. Like pointed out in the new edit I need to separate window resize events from true zoom events. So far I can only get this to work with polling the zoom instead of calling it on resize. – lowtechsun Jan 25 '17 at 18:19
  • @dfsq Also zooming/pinching does not trigger the resize event on Chrome or Firefox for Android. Would be curious to hear if you have another idea of tackling this. – lowtechsun Jan 25 '17 at 18:39

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