My Html looks like this.

   <div id="buildSelectionDialog" title="Select Build" >
        <div id="buildsListWrapper">
            <table id="buildsListTable" class="dataTable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1px solid #fff" width="100%">
                        <th>Build</th> <th>Type</th> <th>Time</th>

            <input type="hidden" id="dialogPurpose" name="data" value="" />

The contents of the table will be populated dynamically using ajax and there are many such tables. Now, I am supposed to modify the code to add a spinner which should be displayed while ajax is working. I added a script which looks like below by referring This link. I created a div which has spinner image to be displayed.


var $loading = $('#loadingDiv').hide();

    function () { $loading.hide(); }

    function () { console.log("ajax called"); $loading.show(); }



This is not working. I don't know why. If I add spinner to each ajax requests by using beforeSend and complete everything works fine. But I what want is that I want the spinner image to be displayed when ajax request is working. How can I achieve this.

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Suraj Sun
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