I've been having an issue for days now and have hit a brick wall. Firstly, as the title suggests I have been working to import CSV files to a SQL database.

To be more specific, this is done through PHP scripts on the server and through MySQL into the DB.

I currently have around 30 CSV files (this number is projected to increase) which are updated daily, then a cron script is triggered once per day to update the new data. It loads the file through LOAD DATA INFILE. All of this works perfectly.

The problem is: Each CSV file contains a different column count. The column count ranges between 50-56 columns. The data I am storing in this collective database only requires the first 8 columns. I already know how to skip individual columns using @dummy thanks to the following Q&A: How to skip columns in CSV file when importing into MySQL table using LOAD DATA INFILE?

However, as the dummy count will not always be the same due to the different column counts, I was wondering if there was a way to get the data from columns 1-8 then ignore all after regardless of column count?

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2 Answers2


A rather rough patch up would be to first read the beginning line in php, to count columns by commas. Then knowing the amount, subtract 8 and generate the sql command now knowing how many columns you need to ignore.

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Just include the eight columns to populate and it will us the first eight from the CSV row:

LOAD DATA INFILE 'file.txt' INTO TABLE t1 (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8)
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