Language Used: Swift 2.3

Viber's url scheme for sending a message is viber://forward?text=

Whatsapp's url scheme for sending a message is whatsapp://send?text=

The problem is NSURL seems to think that url's that don't have . on them are not urls because this code seems to result to nil

let someString = "This is some kind of long string"
print(NSURL(string: "viber://forward?text=\(someString)"))

print(NSURL(string: "viber://whatsapp://send=\(someString)"))

This results to a log which looks like this.


Which means I can't use UIApplication.sharedApplication().openUrl(someUrl)

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1 Answers1


There are some characters that can't be placed inside a URL/NSURL.

You'd have to parse someString to replace these characters using this String extension


For example:

var someString = "This is some kind of long string"

someString = someString.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(NSCharacterSet.URLQueryAllowedCharacterSet())
Zonily Jame
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