
am new to webservice. I want to create/publish a new webserice which has to read xml file and display the same in the browser. Any one of you have any example for this. I am very confusing that which webservice needed to use (soap/restful/simple webservice) and how to use endpoint here to dispaly the xml file.

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1 Answers1


It's purely depends on the usecase.

You can find the points:

REST or SOAP: Which is best for me?

Proponents on both sides of the REST vs. SOAP discussion can be fervent in their advocacy for their web service architecture of choice. Both SOAP and RESTful architectures have proven themselves to be reliable, successful and capable of scaling infinitely, so the decision to use REST or SOAP has less to do with their efficacy and more to do with how either approach fits in with an organization’s software development culture and project needs.

Both SOAP web services and RESTful web services have proven their ability to meet the demands of the largest enterprise organizations in the world, while at the same time being able to service the smallest internet of things devices or embedded applications in production.

When choosing between REST and SOAP, two of the key topics to factor into the decision are:

The types of clients that will be supported. For example, REST services offer an effective way for interacting with lightweight clients, such as smartphones. How varying degrees of flexibility and standardization will be either rebuffed or accepted by the organization’s corporate culture. Keeping these factors in mind will go a long way in helping organizations to choose between SOAP and RESTful web services.

Also, you can find the previous discussion on this topic here. SOAP vs REST (differences)

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