I'm developing a Github repo which follows the offical tutorial of Angular (Tour of Heroes). You can see all the code here.

My problem, is that I have a directive declared in the main module of the app (app.module) and, if I use it inside the AppComponent, it works good (the directive only highlight a text inside a DOM element).

But I have another module called HeroesModule within AppModule, and inside a component of this module, this directive doesn't work.

The main code, here:



import { HighlightDirective } from "./shared/highlight.directive";

    imports: [
    declarations: [
        HighlightDirective <-------
    providers: [
        { provide: APP_CONFIG, useValue: AppConfig }
    bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]



    imports: [
    declarations: [
    providers: [
    exports: [


import { Directive, ElementRef, Input } from '@angular/core';

@Directive({ selector: '[tohHighlight]' })

export class HighlightDirective {
    constructor(el: ElementRef) {
        el.nativeElement.style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';


<h1 tohHighlight>{{title}}</h1> <----- HERE WORKS


<div *ngIf="selectedHero">
        {{selectedHero.name | uppercase}} is my hero
    <p tohHighlight>Test</p> <----- HERE IT DOESN'T
    <button (click)="gotoDetail()">View Details</button>

You can see, install it and test it by yourself in the Github repo, if you need it.

Alexander Abakumov
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  • 1. The directive should belong to a module 2. One option is you can create a separate module for all your directives and inject the new one into your main application module – CrazyMac Jan 06 '17 at 12:11
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    Move it to another module (feature module) and then add this module to `import: []` of every module where you want to use it. – Günter Zöchbauer Jan 06 '17 at 12:13
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    @GünterZöchbauer You're right ofcourse. the excepted answer is wrong. you'd still need t import it to every module you need its exports. Only injectors/services are hoisted to root ( unless lazy) – Royi Namir Mar 28 '18 at 08:51
  • One pitfall I ran into is that changes to your module structure might not get picked up by a "hot" build process. I use webpack dev server (with `@ngtools/webpack` plugin) normally, and I was tearing my hair out trying to figure out why my directive wasn't getting applied. Once I restarted my build process, it worked immediately. – Coderer May 11 '21 at 08:00

2 Answers2


According @CrazyMac's comment, a good way would be to create a DirectivesModule. Inside this module you can declare and import all your directives then you will be able to import this module anywhere you want.


import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { HighlightDirective } from './highlight.directive';

  imports: [],
  declarations: [HighlightDirective],
  exports: [HighlightDirective]
export class DirectivesModule { }


import { Directive, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';

@Directive({ selector: '[myHighlight]' })
export class HighlightDirective {
  constructor(el: ElementRef) {
    el.nativeElement.style.backgroundColor = 'yellow';


import { DirectivesModule } from '../directives/directives.module';

  imports: [
  declarations: []
export class OtherModule { }
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    This should be the accepted answer. Directives need to be imported into every module that will use it. You cannot declare a directive globally. https://angular.io/guide/sharing-ngmodules – jriver27 Aug 01 '18 at 17:37
  • agree !! i just was facing same issue, and even though taking accepted answer approach it did not work ! i was able to do it via loading my directives module in the module where I am using directive ! – kuldeep Dec 09 '19 at 14:48
  • I couldn't get this working for Angular9. Not sure what I am missing.. – Mehmet Kurtipek Sep 16 '20 at 17:18

If you need to use the Directive

  selector: '[appMyCommon]'
export class MyCommonDirective{}

everywhere you should create a new Module.

If you use the Angular CLI you can generate:

ng g module my-common

The Module:

 declarations: [MyCommonDirective],
export class MyCommonModule{}

Important! the exports allow you to use the Directives outside the Module.

Finally, import that Module in every Module where you need to use the Directive.

for example:

  imports: [MyCommonModule]
export class AppModule{}

Example: Plunker

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    So, in this case, I have another module which I didn't mention called CoreModule. If I exports the directive in that module, and in AppModule I import CoreModule, this should work for all components? because it doesn't... :( – ismaestro Jan 06 '17 at 12:40
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    On the compnents of AppModule declarations it will work, but you need to import MyCommonModule on every independent module which want to use common components. – YairTawil Jan 06 '17 at 12:47
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    Thanks!! Finally I solved it creating a new module called SharedModule (that declares and export the directive) and import it in AppModule and HeroesModule. But, is there a possibility to import it only in AppModule and inherit it to all modules which AppModule import? – ismaestro Jan 06 '17 at 17:34
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    @YairTawil how does ionic to import all his components, without to declare in every module? where is defined like global? by example: , etc ? – stackdave Jul 12 '17 at 08:28
  • exports:[ionListComponent, ionSearchbarComponent] etc... you can export modules inside packages too: for example: ``` @IonicModule({ exports: [ListsModule, ButtonsModule.....] }) ``` – YairTawil Jul 13 '17 at 06:45
  • @Ismaestro Is there anything else you need to put inside that `SharedModule`? In my app, I have shared components, services, validators for Reactive Forms, etc. None of those require a separate module to import everywhere. Just importing in AppModule works. I feel so dirty doing this ONLY for Directives. – Ka Mok Mar 01 '18 at 16:53
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    [**That is simply not true**.](https://plnkr.co/edit/oGnWDdRxAeP4BPj7p2W5?p=preview) if you have another module which has a component and that component want something from the other module of yours - even if you exported it to the root - it WONT BE RECOGNIZED by the new module. Only injectors does – Royi Namir Mar 28 '18 at 08:50