Specifically, when I create a new question and it is titled "My question," in the url bar it is going to send me to something like: "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/My_question". Does this mean that a new file called "My question" was created or is this question placed in a database as an object and then displayed on a single template for all questions? Thank you.

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    No new file is created, just a db entry which is referenced via the ID in the URL. Also this questions belongs over on Meta – j08691 Jan 05 '17 at 20:23
  • Thank you for the quick reply and for your help. – A_Hamill Jan 05 '17 at 20:38
  • This question belongs on [meta](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/), which is a site where you ask questions about this site. – Donald Duck Jan 05 '17 at 21:01
  • I was using Stackoverflow as more of an example. Any type of site such as Reddit, Github, etc... that allows for users to create new content to be displayed is what I was trying to get at. – A_Hamill Jan 05 '17 at 21:03

1 Answers1


I don't know how the site technically works, but it's probably something like this:

Stack Overflow uses that question id you see in the URL (41493753 in this case), looks that number up in a database a loads all the detail information, there's not an actual file for every question in the server, it's probably more like a QuestionDetail template page that is filled dynamically.