
Here is my site :

<span class="field-content"><div class="field_home_team-wraper"><a href="/tran-dau/arsenal-vs-west-bromwich-albion-truc-tiep">  

    <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/logo_150x150/public/2016-12/team_logo-2000x2000.png?itok=L_wkCsC6" width="150" height="150" alt="Arsenal logo" typeof="Image" class="image-style-logo-150x150">
</a></div><div class="versus-wraper">v</div><div class="field_away_team-wraper"><a href="/tran-dau/arsenal-vs-west-bromwich-albion-truc-tiep">
      West Brom


              <img src="/sites/default/files/styles/logo_150x150/public/2016-12/West_Bromwich_Albion.png?itok=vZlNXq8J" width="150" height="150" alt="West Bromwich Albion logo" typeof="Image" class="image-style-logo-150x150">

You can see 2 logo on top of site (div.field_home_team-wraper and .field_away_team-wraper), i want it stay in one line, so i set it width:50% and inline-block, so here is what i want to display:


But, sometime on PC browser and alway on iPhone browser, it will display like this :

enter image description here

I know there are white-space between two inline-block div, i removed it, you can look at source code to confirm. I don't know what problem here, please help.

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3 Answers3


I just inspected the code on your site and I can't recreate the issue you're describing above. However, I did notice that there are a few lines of code that chrome isn't agreeing with - maybe try and resolve some of those issues to see if it fixes the problem on your end.

  • Thank you, what code is not good with chrome, can you explain more for me? – Tran Dec 24 '16 at 22:06
  • If you right click on the element you want to inspect (in this case, the element with the team logos) and click inspect. In the style window, you'll see a few rules that have caution signs beside them - those are the ones I'm referring to. – Quinn Langille Dec 24 '16 at 22:46

My god, i solved this problem, just move div.versus-wraper to the last of span.field-content, everything become good.

But still don't know why it make a problem, still a mysterious with me. There are something to learn, if someone know, please answer.

Here is my question will more explain : Browser image render break css inline-block layout

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This is a known bug.

Display: Inline-Blockcreates spaces between elements.

Here are two ways to fix this:

  • First way, if you use display: inline-block, always use margin-right: -4px to fix the spaces between elements.

  • Second way, use font-size: 0 on parent <div> to remove spaces, and on elements inside <div> reset the font again to the size you want. Example: font-size: 16px

And another tip, be sure to use Box-sizing: border-box, so whatever if you put borders or margin or padding, doesn't affect the width in percentage...

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  • I tried two ways you give me but still not work. The bug you say is this bug right ? : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6871996/css-two-inline-block-width-50-elements-dont-stack To solved spaces between elements, i'm already removed spaces in html. – Tran Dec 24 '16 at 16:22
  • Yes. Depending on your example given , there it's only the HTML without CSS, we can't really know the problem. I will try to Inspect your website with browser to see what really it's missing... – CodeAlb Dec 24 '16 at 16:29
  • Have you tried using `border-box: box sizing;` on parent `
    – CodeAlb Dec 24 '16 at 16:33
  • I'm tried, not work. Other thing, Firefox display correctly. – Tran Dec 24 '16 at 16:40