
I am getting output in string format then I split it and want to do further processing, here is my code snippet,

if(str != null && !str.isEmpty()){

String[] splitLine = str.split("~");

String splitData[];
    int i=0;
    for( i=0;i<splitLine.length;i++){

        splitData = splitLine[i].split("#");

        if(Long.parseLong(splitData[0]) == oid)
            isParent = true;

But, the problem is that I am unable to get length of splitLine String array and also eclipse shows a warning as a dead code for i++ inside for loop, I am cant able to understand why this happen does anybody have idea about it.

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1 Answers1


The break is the problem. It belongs to the preceeding if but that has no curly braces. Change it to this:

if(Long.parseLong(splitData[0]) == oid) {
    isParent = true;
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