
I am working on Chat application. I have a View Controller to display the messages in a tableview. On selecting a particular chat I will fetch 12 recent message & reload the table and scroll it to bottom so that user can see the recent message(index 11). As user starts scrolling up (as he reaches to 0th index) I need to fetch the history through a web service and display it on UI smoothly in the same order.

Code for displaying the cell

cell = STBubbleTableViewCell.init(style: .Subtitle, reuseIdentifier: cellIdentifier)
cell.backgroundColor = self.chatTableView?.backgroundColor
cell.selectionStyle = .None
cell.dataSource = self
cell.delegate = self

let chat = chatMessages[indexPath.row]

cell.textLabel?.font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(14.0)
cell.textLabel?.text = chat.message
    cell.detailTextLabel?.text = NSString.init(format: "%@ %@", chat.authorName, chat.messageDate.toShortTimeString()) as String
    cell.detailTextLabel?.text = chat.messageDate.toShortTimeString()

cell.authorType = chat.authorType == 0 ? AuthorType.STBubbleTableViewCellAuthorTypeSelf : AuthorType.STBubbleTableViewCellAuthorTypeOther

cell.bubbleColor = chat.bubbleType == 0 ? BubbleColor.STBubbleTableViewCellBubbleColorGreen : BubbleColor.STBubbleTableViewCellBubbleColorGray

Code for fetching chat history

func scrollViewWillBeginDragging(scrollView: UIScrollView) {

    pointNow = scrollView.contentOffset

func scrollViewDidEndDragging(scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool) {

    if (scrollView.contentOffset.y < pointNow.y)

self.fetchChatHistory is getting called multiple times. How to avoid this multiple calls?

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1 Answers1


Using scrollViewWillBeginDragging and scrollViewDidEndDragging calls, you call fetching on each scroll, whatever the user has not reached the end of the table. Instead you need to implement tableview infinite scrolling:

give it a look: UITableView infinite scrolling

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