I have an angular Service:

presence.service('AuthService', function($http, PresenceURLService){
    var apiURL = PresenceURLService.apiURL;
    this.isLogged = false,
    this.access_token = "",
    this.login = function(credentials, callback){
        var configura = {
            headers : {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8;'
            url: apiURL+'login',
            data: credentials,
            config: configura
            this.isLogged = response.data.response;
            this.access_token = response.data.access_token;
        }, function(response){

Whenever an user tries to login, the API returns tru or false and it is stored in this.isLogged. Works fine.

I have this code on run for the app, in order to stop the state load if the user is not logged:

presence.run(function($rootScope, $location, $state, AuthService) {

    $rootScope.$on( '$stateChangeStart', function(e, toState  , toParams, fromState, fromParams) {

        var isLogin = toState.name === "login";
           return; // no need to redirect 
        console.log("State we are going to: "+toState.name);

        // now, redirect only not authenticated

        var logged = AuthService.isLogged;
        console.log("Before load must check the AuthService isLogged var: "+logged);

        if(logged === false) {
            e.preventDefault(); // stop current execution
            $state.go('login'); // go to login

In this code logged is always false. But, previously, when I call login() function, it is stored true.

Why it losses the data and how to obtain this behaviour?

Programador Adagal
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1 Answers1


This is because context in which you set isLogged is not AuthService. Read more here how this works

Try this instead:

presence.service('AuthService', function($http, PresenceURLService){
    var that = this; // In order to access correct context within callback
    var apiURL = PresenceURLService.apiURL;
    this.isLogged = false,
    this.access_token = "",
    this.login = function(credentials, callback){
        var configura = {
            headers : {
                'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8;'
            url: apiURL+'login',
            data: credentials,
            config: configura
            // Use that instead of this here. As this doesn't refers to AuthService
            that.isLogged = response.data.response;
            that.access_token = response.data.access_token;
        }, function(response){
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