I'm doing a simple tutorial on react/ redux and I do not understand why we have to, in the render() method, do

const {images, selectedImage} = this.state;

I understand that we need to assign the previously defined variables to the constructor, so it becomes part of our component state and is not just a variable floating around in our component only, but I do no get why we cannot just access them directly in the render method later? I also do not understand why they are defined as constants? I also don't get why they are assigned to state and why they have parentheses aroudn them? Thanks a lot for your help

import React, {Component} from 'react'

const flickrImages = [

export default class Gallery extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      images: flickrImages,
      selectedImage: flickrImages[0]

  handleThumbClick(selectedImage) {

  render() {
    const {images, selectedImage} = this.state; // why do we have to do this? And why does this need to be a constant?
    return (
      <div className="image-gallery">
        <div className="gallery-image">
            <img src={selectedImage} />
        <div className="image-scroller">
          {images.map((image, index) => (
            <div key={index} onClick={this.handleThumbClick.bind(this,image)}>
              <img src={image}/>

PS: if you can suggest a better title for this question please let me know, i was not sure what to call it, and I'm sure there's a better name the sort of thing that's being done here

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  • Possible duplicate of [One-liner to take some properties from object in ES 6](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25553910/one-liner-to-take-some-properties-from-object-in-es-6) – Whymarrh Nov 01 '16 at 10:07

1 Answers1


It's called object destructuring.

It assigns this.state.images to the local constant images and this.state.selectedImage to the local constant selectedImage.

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  • thanks. why do they have to be constants though? and why is this good? – Peter Zacharias Nov 01 '16 at 10:48
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    The use case of a constant is that you cannot change it's value. This prevents you from accidentally changing the value and then wondering why your rendered data is out-of-sync with the current state. – zwippie Nov 01 '16 at 11:04
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    I personally think that doing object destructuring can significantly reduce the amount of code you need to write. For instance, you have form with a lot of inputs, for every input you just need to write {data.something} instead of {this.state.data.something}. – MING WU Nov 28 '18 at 03:29