I'm trying to migrate an old site to a new one built with concrete5. The old site uses query strings, which I cannot redirect from within concrete5.

  1. There are multiple categories, how can I redirect just the query part?

    • Old URL: example.com/portfolio/category?cat=hifi
    • New URL: example.com/projecten/hifi
  2. Further I have URLs with a different query also needing redirects:

    • Old URL: example.com/portfolio/post.php?s=pagename-xxx-xxx
    • New URL: example.com/projecten/pagename-xxx-xxx

Help very much appreciated!

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1 Answers1


You'll need to use mod_rewrite and a condition (RewriteCond) that matches against the QUERY_STRING server variable.

Try the following in your root .htaccess file above any existing mod_rewrite directives.

RewriteEngine On

# PART 1 : Redirect old category URLs
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^cat=(\w+)
RewriteRule ^portfolio/category$ /projecten/%1? [R=302,L]

# PART 2 : Redirect other old URLs
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^s=(pagename-\w{3}-\w{3})
RewriteRule ^portfolio/post\.php$ /projecten/%1? [R=302,L]

This assumes that the xxx in pagename-xxx-xxx are 3 literal word characters (ie. a-z, A-Z, 0-9 or _).

UPDATE#1: The trailing ? on the RewriteRule substitution is necessary in order to remove the query string from the target. Or, use the QSD flag on Apache 2.4+.

Change the 302 (temporary) redirect to 301 (permanent) when you are sure it's working OK. 301 redirects are cached by the browser, which can make testing problematic.

UPDATE#2: With respect to the updated URL in "PART 2", try the following instead:

# PART 2 : Redirect other old URLs
# To essentially remove the date prefix, eg. "YYYY-MM-DD-"
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^s=/d{4}-/d{2}-/d{2}-(.+)
RewriteRule ^portfolio/post\.php$ /projecten/%1? [R=302,L]


This is a bit of a mash, but also looks overly complex for what you are trying to achieve? For instance, why do you need to match an optional slash (ie. /?)? Your example URL does not contain any slashes?

A regex pattern such as [0-9{4}]+ isn't doing what you think it's doing. This would match any of the characters 0123456789{} 1 or more times. What you seem to be trying to do is to match exactly 4 digits. eg. [0-9]{4} (which is the same as /d{4}, using a shorthand character class).

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  • The first part is working but the second part is not. I did not explain the right url. i will post underneath. – buurvrouw Nov 01 '16 at 22:37
  • I've updated my answer with respect to your revised URL structure. I've also added the `?` on the substitution that I missed earlier (I see you've used the QSD flag instead - that is an alternative on Apache 2.4+). – MrWhite Nov 01 '16 at 23:19
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    Yeah, i was trying to follow some examples i found to remove numbers and dashes. But obviously i did not know what i was doing... Your nwe code works perfectly, thanks a million!!! – buurvrouw Nov 02 '16 at 10:39