I'm trying to work on a program challenge that takes an input of Air, Water, or Steel, and shows the speed of sound traveled in feet in Java.

My driver code looks like this

import java.util.Scanner;

public class driver
public static void main(String[] args)
String type;
int distance;
int time = 0;

    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.print("Input one of the following- Air, water, or steel.");
        type = keyboard.nextLine();

System.out.print("Input distance in feet");
        distance = keyboard.nextInt();

        speedofsound sound = new speedofsound(distance);

        if (type.equals("Air"))
    time = sound.getSpeedInAir();
        if (type.equals("Water"))
    time = sound.getSpeedInWater();

        if (type.equals("Steel"))
    time = sound.getSpeedInSteel();

        System.out.println("The time it would take for"  + type + "to travel" + distance + "feet is" + time);

and the Class looks like this

public class speedofsound {// class stating
private int distance;//distance integer
private int time;

public speedofsound (int d)
    distance = d; // from driver pass over dist in ft, 

public int getSpeedInAir()

return  (distance / 1100);

public int getSpeedInWater()

time = distance / 4900;
return time;
public int getSpeedInSteel()

time = distance / 16400;
return time;

When I execute this in the console I get "Input one of the following- Air, water, or steel.Air Input distance in feet50 0 The time it would take forAirto travel50feet is0" No matter what I input, I keep getting 0. Whats up?

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