I've implemented a simple drfat storage for UITextView I use in application. Everything works fine, but when I retrieve this draft, assign it to the UITextView and set selectedRange (to also some stored value) I get this weird warning:

requesting caretRectForPosition: with a position beyond the NSTextStorage (4)

From the things I've noticed... This only happens for strings which are shorter than 4 characters (this may give some clue, because 4 also appears in the warning message).
It may be helpful ti post the actual assignment code, so here it is:

self.textView.text = savedDraft.text;
self.textView.selectedRange = NSMakeRange(savedDraft.cursorPosition, 0);

Do you have any idea what can generate this kind of warning? I've found here that this may be caused by Swift implementation of UITextView, but we're pure Objective-C.


When I save I do save this location as NSUInteger and I get it from my UITextView like this:


So if you consider a simple "Hi" message (two characters) I get this kind of logs form save and retrieve methods:

Get draft position: 0
Saving draft position: 2
Get draft position: 2
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1 Answers1


It looks like UIKeyboardWillShowNotification is playing the big role here and when everywhing happens in viewDidLoad it creates conflicts. It seems that keyboard showing also affects caret position and when I manually change self.textView.selectedRange I do it too fast, so it conflicts with this keyboard notifiaction.

For me the solution was to simply put this selectedRange thing in block with some really small delay like this:

[JDLDispatchUtils asyncOnMainAfter:0.01 block:^{
    self.textView.text = savedDraft.text;
    self.textView.selectedRange = NSMakeRange(savedDraft.cursorPosition, 0);
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