I just started a new job and I have some React code to maintain, there's a file called authenticationHandlers.js this is what the code looks like inside the file.

const events = require("./authenticationEvents.js");

const authenticationHandlers = {
    [events.Errored.Name](prev, event) {
         const update = {
             UnauthorizedError: event.Error

        return Object.assign({}, prev, update);
    [events.ClearError.Name](prev, event) {
        const update = {
            UnauthorizedError: null

        return Object.assign({}, prev, update);

module.exports = authenticationHandlers;

I don't really have any questions about the functionality of the code but what does the bracket syntax do at lines [events.Erorred.Name] and [events.ClearError.Name]

In other words what do the brackets mean?

Josh Siegl
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2 Answers2


It is so that you can use a variable as a property name:

For example:

const a = 'banana';
const fnName = 'pudding';

const b = {
    [a]: 42,
    [fnName]() {
        console.log(`I am logging from ${fnName}`);

console.log(b); //{banana: 42, pudding: fn}
Naftali aka Neal
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That is called computed property names. See http://es6-features.org/#ComputedPropertyNames

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