I implemented some basic functionality for adding data to binary tree. I wanted to practice async calls and therefore I decided to implement Node adding as async task. However, I get build errors on the line that calls async task. Here is the sample code:

struct Node
    static Node *root;
    static mutex _mtx;
    int _value;
    Node *_left;
    Node *_right;

        _left = nullptr;
        _right = nullptr;

    Node(int value)
        _left = nullptr;
        _right = nullptr;
        _value = value;

        if (!root) root = this;
            lock_guard<mutex> lck(_mtx);
            auto func = bind(&Node::AddNodeAsync, root, ref(*this));
            auto ftr = async(launch::async, func); // Error!!!!!!       

    void AddNodeAsync(Node *parentNode, Node &nodeToAdd)
        lock_guard<mutex> lck(_mtx);
        AddNode(parentNode, nodeToAdd);

    void AddNode(Node *parentNode, Node &nodeToAdd)
        if (nodeToAdd._value < parentNode->_value)
            if (parentNode->_left == nullptr)
                parentNode->_left = &nodeToAdd;
                AddNode(parentNode->_left, nodeToAdd);
        else if (nodeToAdd._value > parentNode->_value)
            if (parentNode->_right == nullptr)
                parentNode->_right = &nodeToAdd;
                AddNode(parentNode->_right, nodeToAdd);

The error I get:

Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Error   C2893   Failed to specialize function template 'unknown-type std::invoke(_Callable &&,_Types &&...)'    BinaryTree  c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\type_traits  1468    

What am I doing wrong?

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    Instead of the `bind` call and the call to `AddNodeAsync`, it could all be done with a single [lambda expression](http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/lambda). – Some programmer dude Sep 18 '16 at 10:27
  • replacing those two statements with: auto ftr = async(launch::async, [&]() { AddNodeAsync(root, *this); }); did the trick! But why the first version did not work? – omegasbk Sep 18 '16 at 10:30

3 Answers3


look at void AddNodeAsync(Node *parentNode, Node &nodeToAdd) , it takes two arguments, and it is also a member function, should it should get this to bind on. now take a look at your bind:

auto func = bind(&Node::AddNodeAsync, root, ref(*this));

So, bind takes the first and second arguments (the first being a member function , the second is the this to bind on), and binds them together, it is as you where to write


as you can see, you are missing a parameter. for example, this program compiles well:

auto func = bind(&Node::AddNodeAsync, root, root, *this);
David Haim
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You forgot the this parameter:

auto func = bind(&Node::AddNodeAsync,this, root, ref(*this));
auto ftr = async(launch::async, func);

Anyway, you could do in one line using a lambda expression:

auto ftr = async(launch::async, [this]{ this->AddNodeAsync(root,*this); }); 
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On which Node do you want to call AddNodeAsync? *this? or root? That's exactly the problem: you don't have an instance to call AddNodeAsync on!

You want to specify which instance as first parameter of AddNodeAsync (it's implicit):

auto func = bind(&Node::AddNodeAsync, this, root, *this);
                                   instance to call AddNodeAsync on

Also, it is better to use lambdas instead of std::bind

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