I have an array of json as shown below and i want to sort it by size

    [0] => {"file_name":"Desert - Copy.jpg","content_type":"image\/jpeg","tmp_path":"\/var\/www\/mywebsite.com\/public_html\/www\/tmp\/0000000012","sha256":"010f60d2927a35d0235490136ef9f4953b7ee453073794bcaf153d20a64544ea","size":"845941"}
    [1] => {"file_name":"Hydrangeas - Copy.jpg","content_type":"image\/jpeg","tmp_path":"\/var\/www\/mywebsite.com\/public_html\/www\/tmp\/0000000013","sha256":"3b92fede080f9b0ec902afc58831191b5b8ccbaf6732352fd7a8b445d1e9f0bd","size":"595284"}
    [2] => {"file_name":"Tulips.jpg","content_type":"image\/jpeg","tmp_path":"\/var\/www\/mywebsite.com\/public_html\/www\/tmp\/0000000014","sha256":"b9352f2565260219db72fc1fc896113a26c85866b69c50d3970c4d9f5cce830a","size":"620888"}

Result expected:


    [0] => {"file_name":"Hydrangeas - Copy.jpg","content_type":"image\/jpeg","tmp_path":"\/var\/www\/mywebsite.com\/public_html\/www\/tmp\/0000000013","sha256":"3b92fede080f9b0ec902afc58831191b5b8ccbaf6732352fd7a8b445d1e9f0bd","size":"595284"}
    [1] => {"file_name":"Tulips.jpg","content_type":"image\/jpeg","tmp_path":"\/var\/www\/mywebsite.com\/public_html\/www\/tmp\/0000000014","sha256":"b9352f2565260219db72fc1fc896113a26c85866b69c50d3970c4d9f5cce830a","size":"620888"}
    [2] => {"file_name":"Desert - Copy.jpg","content_type":"image\/jpeg","tmp_path":"\/var\/www\/mywebsite.com\/public_html\/www\/tmp\/0000000012","sha256":"010f60d2927a35d0235490136ef9f4953b7ee453073794bcaf153d20a64544ea","size":"845941"}

How do i accomplish this in an efficient manner

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3 Answers3

 function sortByYear($a, $b) {
 $dA = new DateTime($a['date']);
 $dB = new DateTime($b['date']);
return $dA->format('y') - $dB->format('y');
$data = '{"info":[{"id":1, "title":"original title", "name":"john doe", "date":"2010-05-15"}, {"id":2, "title":"another title", "name":"foo bar", "date":"2009-04-11"}]}';
$d = json_decode($data, true);
$info = $d['info'];
usort($info, 'sortByYear');



You should read this for further help:How to sort a JSON array with PHP

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Sachin Bahukhandi
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  • This answer is a copy/paste from a sort-of similar SO question, and apart from pointing to `usort()` it doesn't help the OP at all. – salathe Sep 17 '16 at 08:53
  • Hey. I had posted the code because SO does not encourage users to post link only answers. As links can be dead after some time. And respecting the original question source i have provided the link to the source and the similiar question. :) – Sachin Bahukhandi Sep 17 '16 at 08:57
  • If you think this question is the same as the one you linked to (and so deserves an identical answer) then it should be closed as a duplicate, rather than copying the answer. – salathe Sep 17 '16 at 09:00

Here is what i came up with but i welcome more efficient solutions

function sort_json($json_array)
        if (count($json_array) > 1) {
            //convert to array
            foreach ($json_array as &$json) {
                $array[] = json_decode($json);

            // sort in ascending order by size
            usort($array, function($a, $b)
                return $a->size < $b->size ? -1 : 1; //Compare the sizes

            //convert back to json
            $json_array = array();
            foreach ($array as &$a) {
                $json_array[] = json_encode($a);
        return $json_array;
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Use the following code:

function sortBySize($a, $b)
        if ($a['size'] == $b['size']) return 0;
        return ($a['size'] < $b['size']) ? -1 : 1;


usort($data, "sortBySize");

How usort work : http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_array_usort.asp

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