I have an application that I need to read some open data from a (Socrata) dataset using their API. Since there are many records on that dataset, I am looping it through using offsets inside a while

//initialize variables
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new URL(url+offset).openStream()));
    String reply=IOUtils.toString( in );
    //read the page to a String and convert to JSON
    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(reply);
    //close connection
    JSONArray results=obj.getJSONArray("results");
            //do something here 

This seems to be working fine for a few iterations(roughly 20-50), but then for no reason and not always on the same offset, it just hangs after the

String reply=IOUtils.toString( in );

for ever.
I tried to use guava as this post suggested with no difference
and this

String reply = CharStreams.toString( new InputStreamReader( new URL(runHost+offset).openStream(), "UTF-8" ) ); 

from here which seems to be doing a better job but again hanged after around 70 iterations.

Is there at least a way to stop the loop if there is a long delay and continue with the rest of the program?( as a worst case scenario)
regarding @Mad Matts commend, result is the JSONArray converted from the JSONObject I get from the API.(code updated)
I use && at the condition since I need the loop to repeat if the array is not empty(results.length()!=0) and the offset is smaller than the endOffset. That last part I used it just to avoid the hanging of the procedure. I can at least run it for 10 offsets at a time, get my results and run it again for the next 10 offsets and so on.

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Skaros Ilias
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