I have this tiny bit of code here, but it is not functioning when I reload the page, as I get the error

TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null

document.getElementById('devMode_checkbox').checked = false;

The line(s) the error is referring to is as follows:

        function checkDevMode() {

            var devModeIsTrue = getCookie('devModeIsTrue');
            if (devModeIsTrue === true) {
                document.getElementById('devMode_checkbox').checked = true;
            } else {
                document.getElementById('devMode_checkbox').checked = false;


I have quadruple checked the id of the element

<input type='checkbox' onchange='enableDevMode(this.checked)' id='devMode_checkbox'>

and I don't really have a good understanding nor a solution for this problem. Also I could not find a working solution for this. (Sorry if this is a duplicate, but non of the given answers worked for me)

Is there a (proper) solution to this?

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