I have made two table one is User and the other one is Todoitems. Todoitems are created against a specific user id but when i try to fetch them using linq query in RefreshItemsFromTableAsync() function, it compiles successfully but gives error on the emulator saying "The member userid is not supported in 'Where' Mobile Services Query expression item.User.Userid " Following is my Linq query

var list = await toDoTable.Where(item => item.User.UserId ==1).ToListAsync();

I also have read on a blog that Offline Sync does not allow core data relationships? Any help!

1 Answers1


Offline Sync does not natively support relationships. At all. In any form.

For more information on relationships, see my blog post on the subject: https://shellmonger.com/2016/05/27/30-days-of-zumo-v2-azure-mobile-apps-day-26-relationship-advice/

Adrian Hall
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  • alright then can you guide me a bit if i have relationship as mentioned in the link (i.e one to many) you gave, how I am going to display them on mobile Front-End as on the bases of foreign key. See my Linq query in the first post that is what i'm trying to retrieve on the base of foreign key match but it's not working. Even the application crashes. Anything would be appreciable!! – Aizaz Athar Sep 07 '16 at 10:25
  • Any Help regarding the mentioned problem? – Aizaz Athar Sep 08 '16 at 12:31