Is there a clean way of adding additional root folders to a Spring Boot Jar file generated using the default bootRepackage. In my case I need the .ebextenions folder for AWS beanstalk.

I know I can hack it -- for example add another task after bootRepackage to unzip, repackage (again), and re-zip. Is there a cleaner way ?


.. the 2 ways that I've tried (that don't work) :

jar {
    from('src/main/ebextensions') {

bootRepackage {
    from('src/main/ebextensions') {
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5 Answers5


For Spring Boot 2 (Gradle) if .ebextensions is located at the root of your project, use the following task:

bootJar {
    from('./.ebextensions') { into '.ebextensions' }


bootWar {
    from('./.ebextensions') { into '.ebextensions' }

This way Gradle will copy .ebextensions into the root of the application package.

But if you prefer convention over configuration, move .ebextensions folder inside src/main/resources. The content of resources directory is packaged automatically in /BOOT-INF/classes/ (no scripting required). And the .ebextensions directory will be discovered by EB deployment scripts when unpacked.

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  • (SO poll) please leave a comment here: which of 2 solutions did you pick? – naXa Aug 05 '20 at 08:26
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    Newer platform "Amazon Linux 2" does not parse files inside Jar anymore https://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/java-se-platform.html – Aivaras Oct 07 '20 at 15:59

I'm still working on deploying Spring Boot to EBS myself...

I think the folder has to be called .ebextensions (notice the leading dot). So you would say into('./.ebextensions') instead of into('ebextensions').

Alternatively, you might try uploading a ZIP file containing your JAR and your .ebextensions folder:

task zip(type: Zip, dependsOn: bootRepackage) {
    from ('./.ebextensions') {
        into '.ebextensions'
    from (jar.outputs.files) {
        into '.'
    destinationDir project.buildDir
Kevin Chen
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  • Hi, I have my .ebextensions folder in my Spring Boot project's root folder, and I copy-pasted the code above into my build.gradle, but I don't see my .ebextensions folder show up in my jar file's root folder. What did I miss? Thanks – user1805458 Sep 29 '17 at 05:27
  • It's a hidden folder and may not be displayed right away. – aix Jul 24 '18 at 14:44

With Grails 3, I use gradle clean dist to create a .zip file containing a .war for EB distribution, and use a Procfile to describe the Spring Boot command line. An .ebextensions folder is in the base directory of my project, and projectName and projectVersion are variables defined in the build.gradle file:

task dist(type: Zip) {
    from war.outputs.files
    from "src/staging/Procfile" // this file allows us to control how ElasticBeanstalk starts up our app on its Java SE platform
    from('./.ebextensions') {
        into '.ebextensions'
    rename { String fileName ->
        if (fileName == "${projectName}-${projectVersion}.war".toString()) {
            fileName.replace("${projectName}-${projectVersion}", "application")
        } else {
dist.dependsOn assemble

where the contents of the Procfile in src/staging looks like this:

web: java -jar application.war
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If you move your src/main/ebextensions folder to src/main/resources/.ebextensions, it will be automatically copied by the jar task to the root of the .jar (along with any other files in /resources), where EBS expects it, without any additional scripting.

That's about as clean as you can get!

Jed Allen
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I have my .ebextensions at the root of my project. This seems to work for me.

war { from ('./.ebextensions') { into '.ebextensions' } }

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