
i,m trying to create pointer to pointer List

list<ObjectClass*> *lst_testList;

and trying to use it this way

void FunctioningClass::functioningMethod()
    ObjectClass *object = new ObjectClass();
    object->i_testing = 234;
    object = lst_testList->front();

I can build the program. But when i run it,it gives me this error.

Unhandled exception at 0x012885DA in ConsoleApplication7.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000004.

notice that when i create list like this

list<ObjectClass*> lst_testList;

and use it like this,


it didn,t give me any error.

Yasitha Bandara
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2 Answers2


list<ObjectClass*> *lst_testList is a pointer to a list of ObjectClass pointers. In order to use it you either need to allocate it first or (as you already found out) uselist<ObjectClass*> lst_testList (which is a list to ObjectClass pointers) .

Yasitha Bandara
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Ton Plooij
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Such list<ObjectClass*> lst_testList; variable is default-initialized.

For pointer list<ObjectClass*>* lst_testList; default initialization is not performed. Proper initialization for it is:

list<ObjectClass*>* lst_testList = new list<ObjectClass*>();


list<ObjectClass*>* lst_testList = NULL;

It depends on your goals.

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  • Are there any advantages & disadvantages between two methods? – Yasitha Bandara Aug 24 '16 at 07:34
  • @YasithaBandara It's hard to say. It depends on architecture of your application (e.g. on `lst_testList` visibility). If it's global variable you can create single instance `new list()` and use it over the application. If it's a field of `FunctioningClass` you can initialize `lst_testList` to `NULL` and create an instance `new list()` later when it will be needed. – Nikita Aug 24 '16 at 07:46
  • @YasithaBandara General approach is to always initialize pointers to some value. `NULL` will guarantee predictable behavior. It's easy to understand why pointer is `NULL`, but very hard to debug unpredictable behavior of [dangling pointer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dangling_pointer). – Nikita Aug 24 '16 at 07:48