
This is my first question.

I have this code in my Forms App. I don't understand why i always get an NullReferenceException.

public partial class Form1 : Form
   Dictionary<string, Product> ProductList = new Dictionary<string, Product>();

   public Form1()

      Product product = new Product();
      Position position = new Position();
      product.Name = "ACAD";
      position.Name = "Industry";

      ProductList.Add(product.Name, product);

      // NullReferenceException:
      ProductList["ACAD"].PositionList.Add(position.Name, position);

      // Following line works:

class Product
   public string Name { get; set; }
   public Dictionary<string, Position> PositionList { get; set; }

class Position
   public string Name { get; set; }

Thank you =)

Rediet T
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1 Answers1


Add a constructor for your product class:

class Product
   public string Name { get; set; }
   public Dictionary<string, Position> PositionList { get; set; }

   public Product()
      PositionList = new Dictionary<string, Position>();

And you can avoid the null reference exception from trying to add an entry to your null dictionary: ProductList["ACAD"].PositionList.Add(position.Name, position);

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