I am using redux-form 6.0.0-rc.5 and I am trying to display the form values as they are entered by the user.

However, I want these values to be displayed from another component, not the redux form itself.

So, my simplified App architecture would be like that :

<App />              -> (main component -container ?-)
  <List />           -> (connect to form values and pass them down)
    <Elem />         -> (display form value)
  <Form />           -> (enter form values)

The component is a redux-form mounted to 'form' and is working.

Form = reduxForm({
  form: 'formName'

What would be a good way of getting the form values (from state form.formName.values) and send them to my Display component ?

Things I have tried :

  • Connect App to the store and mapStateToProps (form.formName.values) then pass it down to Display as a prop. But it throws an error since values does not exist in the form state until the user has typed anything.

  • Using the function getFormValues('formName') provided by redux-form inside the List component but it returns a function or undefined :


const Elem = ({ name }) => (


const List = ({ values }) => (
  {values.map(value => <Elem name={value.name} />)}      

List = connect(
  state => ({
    values: getFormValues('formName')

There must be something I am missing or I still do not understand correctly whether it is with redux-form or redux itself... I hope someone will be able to enlighten me !

Thank you and have a great day.

Thomas Milan
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4 Answers4


Try using

List = connect(
  state => ({
    values: getFormValues(state.form.formName)

instead. At least that's how it worked in v5, although there the method was called getValues and not getFormValues.

Edit: After a quick look at the docs it seems in v6 you'll have to use a formValueSelector: http://redux-form.com/6.0.0-rc.3/examples/selectingFormValues/

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    Yes. `formValueSelector` is the answer. – Erik R. Aug 20 '16 at 08:11
  • Thank you for your answer. I saw the selecting form values example, however my understanding of the docs was the following : the getFormValues function is a quick way to get all values from a given form anywhere in the application (tab "Selectors" in the docs). And the formValueSelector was made to get specific values (meaning not necessarily all values) while in a redux-form in order to use them inside the form itself. Is that correct ? And if I need to use formValueSelector, do I then need to associate all my form fields to the selector ? Thank you again guys ! – Thomas Milan Aug 20 '16 at 11:49
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    Edit : Allright, I made it work with formValueSelector but then I tried it again with getFormValues and this is the exact syntax that is now working for me : `const selector = getFormValues('fomName') List = connect({ state => ({ values: selector(state) }) })(List)` The other syntax in my original question was not working. Maybe it will help someone as well ! – Thomas Milan Aug 22 '16 at 08:43
  • Do you think you could link your solution? I'm trying to do the same thing. – user3768533 May 11 '17 at 16:34
  • I'm Using this method but Can't find variable 'List' error occur. How to fix that ? – Saravana Kumar Sep 13 '17 at 14:47

formValueSelector() is not necessary.

You also can directly access it as a property.

List = connect(
  state => ({
    formValues: {
       id: state.form.formName.values.id

Same as

List = connect(
  state => ({
    formValues: {
       id: formValueSelector('formName')(state, 'id')
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  • do you know the same technique to update value from any form ? – stackdave Mar 03 '18 at 19:28
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    https://redux-form.com/7.3.0/docs/api/actioncreators.md/ 1. import reduxFormActions from 'redux-form/es/actions'; 2. bind the change action to your component with redux: bindActionCreators(reduxFormActions.change, dispatch) 3. call action: this.props.actionsReduxForm('formName', fieldName, fieldValue) – Julha Mar 04 '18 at 16:27
  • bindActionCreators did not work, just this.props.dispatch(change('myform', fieldKey, filterValue)); – stackdave Mar 11 '18 at 16:15

I had the same problem. Apparently, 'values' is a saved name in redux-form. Using Iurii Budnikov advice I managed to solve the problem - just change the the variable name from 'values' to something else in your connect call:

List = connect(
  state => ({
    formValues: getFormValues(state.form.formName)
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Starting from redux-form 6.0.0 (and still the same in 7.0.0), you can use the function formValueSelector() to select values from any redux form you have in your application: http://redux-form.com/7.0.0/docs/api/FormValueSelector.md/

import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { formValueSelector } from 'redux-form';

const selector = formValueSelector('formName');

List = connect(
  state => ({
    name: selector(state, 'name')
Tom Van Rompaey
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  • I'm trying to create a preview component where all values are shown before user can submit the form. I'm trying to get all form values from a wizard form which is named "wizard". following this answer gives me "wizard is not defined" error. What should I do? – Samia Ruponti Sep 18 '17 at 06:30