Ok, still trying to wrap my head around what they are, and needed for ..believe me I've read plenty on it and think I understand but I probably don't ...

The closest I can get is that they're definitely needed when you have log-in pages in any form on your site ...

My question is when you have basic contact form and/or fill-in form for any reason ... do you need CSRF tokens for those pages?

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  • yes - can do no harm as they help protect against mass abuse as contact forms, forums etc are great targets for spammers so having a csrf token checking mechanism is all to the good – Professor Abronsius Aug 16 '16 at 18:34

1 Answers1


CSRF tokens are not 'definitely needed' (as in, forms will work without them) but they are an extremely good idea whenever submitting any data from one webpage, to another webpage/script. There is remarkably little way of trusting that any data page 2 receives came from page 1 (read illustration below). Each page in isolations has no idea what page the user was on before, and even things that are intended to hint at this such as $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] can be easily manipulated by browser users.

CSRF tokens are a page-to-page key giving the receiving page a much higher level of trust that the visitor came from the intended sender page(s). Deployed property they also can prevent data repetition which is also a big bonus and cuts down on unscrupulous spam and wasted CPU cycles.

One aspect that CSRF tokens can be used for:

Assume you have a form on a page, the page is called page1.php and the form is a send contact email, where the form is filled in and then sent, the page it's sent to (page2.php) can build and then send a contact email to the intended recipient.

From this the next step is someone can read the source code of the page1.php form. this is trivially easy and tells people what $_POST values exist and the location of the destination the form is sent to (page2.php).

A simple user will load your page1.php , spend ten minutes writing a carefully worded email before pressing the SEND button and submitting the form. Off the form goes to the page2.php which builds its details into an email sent to receiver@email.com.

Now, if someone takes the source code from page1.php they can use a simple PHP script (or any other code) processing to send hundreds or thousands of spam forms to page2.php , each of them with the correct details to generate and send out an email, this can be used for various nafarious processes, they can send forms from numerous other websites, any other parts of the internet or even from entire botnets if they choose to -- page2.php would be inundated with many requests a second and the receiver of the emails will have a mailbox jammed full of useless form-generated messages.

Enter CSRF token

A CSRF token is a unique key that is saved in the form, upon generation on page1.php and would typically (but not exclusively) use (possibly randomly) generated $_SESSION values so that when the form is submitted, and the $_POST data is sent to page2.php this is a fairly reliable check that the form is being submitted from the same website. So instead of having whole botnets submitting data to page2.php and causing many emails, the data is not being acted upon and instead only pages submitted from the same website are being run in the page2.php script.

Alternaitvely if the above situation where to occur you can also track where bad submissions are coming from and use other processes / scripts to block / ban various other botnets / servers from submitting data to your server.

The above illustration is a form of insurance and process control so you have a strong reliablility that data that passes through a CSRF on page2.php:

 if ($_SESSION['key'] === $_POST['key']){
     unset($_SESSION['key']);   ///prevent repetition
      send email

(for example).

This if statement only runs with form data that's been reliably submitted from a reliable source (page1.php). Thus preventig other servers piggybacking on your scripts, preventing crass attempts at DOS attacks overloading your page2.php as well as various other positives from knowing that page1.php sent the data that is being used on page2.php.

Another aspect CSRF tokens are used for

See in the code above I unset the $_SESSION CSRF value? This means that if you press F5 or otherwise refresh the page2.php visit (typing it into your browser or whatever) it will not resubmit the genuine data twice. This can help prevent people filling in a form once and then constantly resubmitting it like an angry teenager on a forum (POST data is always saved in the page HTTP header and resubmitted when the page is called, so unsetting $_POST data in PHP is pointless. ).

CSRF is a security mechanism that - when the CSRF token test is passed - means you can reliably judge that data sent to a script on your server came from a valid and intended source.

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  • wow. thank you so much for taking the time to write out this thoughtful and through answer. it is very much appreciated. i do have a question based on what you said ... if you don't mind =) ... if my form, i.e., `page1.php` is going straight to the `PHPMailer` page instead of `page2.php` ... does that change the need for checking the fact that it was submitted from the same site? btw, I like your funny analogy of angry teenager on forum ... =) .... though who's to say that they're only teenagers? =) – user273072545345 Aug 16 '16 at 22:26
  • `page2.php` is the same as the PHPMailer page, it's a resulting page which does whatever you want, `page2.php` can be any page, doing any thing. It doesn't need to be an output HTML page, simply a page which handles the data sent to it by `page1.php`. Before you send anything to PHPMailer object it's intended you run the `if` statement to check the validity of the sent data. – Martin Aug 17 '16 at 09:10