I'm trying to use Qthread with an object. For this purpose this code is written:

QThread *thread1 = new QThread();
serialclass *obje = new serialclass();
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_baglan_clicked()
  connect(thread1,SIGNAL(started()),obje,SLOT(baglan()), Qt::UniqueConnection);
  connect(obje,SIGNAL(finished()),thread1,SLOT(quit())); //end of the baglan function finished() signal is emitted.

My code works. But I used quit(), not deletelater(). The button can be pushed a lot of time. First question is, is this method true? My second question is what happens if i push the button a lot of time. Are there a lot of thread? Is every time one thread created?

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1 Answers1


This is fine. You should understand what you're doing and why: the code and its purpose should come from you and from such understanding.

When you push the button a lot of times, the application might be in one of two states:

  1. The thread has already finished: obje->thread() == nullptr and you're restarting the thread - it will work fine.

  2. The thread is still running: obje->thread() == thread1 and both moveToThread and thread1->start() do nothing.

Alas, there's no point in stopping the thread. It has an event loop that is blocked until new events arrive, it's not as if an idle QThread is using up any CPU. Starting a thread is expensive: it creates a new native thread. A finished thread ceases to exist: yes, you still have a QThread, but that's like having a handle to a closed file. QThread is a thread handle, after all.

You should keep your members by value, not by pointer - this avoids the silly premature pessimization of extra indirection via a point. You can set up all the connections ahead of time. You don't need the on_pushButton_baglan_clicked() slot: you can connect the pushbutton directly with the SerialClass instance. You should also use a QThread-derived class that is safely destructible.

Your code can look as follows. The compiler will generate a proper resource-deallocating destructor for you. It's the compiler's job, and it won't ever fail you in that job - whereas a human developer is very prone to failure. Thus you should leverage RAII to your full advantage, as it shifts a menial manual job onto the machine that will do it perfectly and for next to nothing :)

// MyWindow.h
#include <QMainWindow>
#include <QThread>
#include "SerialClass.h"
#include "ui_MyWindow.h"

class MyWindow : public QMainWindow {
  class SafeThread : public QThread {
    using QThread::run; // final
    ~SafeThread() { quit(); wait(); }
  } m_serialThread;
  SerialClass m_serial;
  Ui::MyWindow ui;
  MyWindow(QWidget * parent = nullptr);

// MyWindow.cpp
#include "MyWindow.h"

MyWindow::MyWindow(QWidget * parent) :
  connect(ui.pushButton_baglan, &QPushButton::clicked,
          &m_serial, &SerialClass::baglan);

If you don't want all the implementation details to live in MyWindow's header, you should use a PIMPL.

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