I'm facing one issue with a registration form. If I log in and browser offers me to save username/password, they are both displayed on the registration form. I tried to reset the form, I tried to set user details to null, but it didn't work. As username and password are predefined, repeat password error is present.

here is a snap enter image description here

Register Controller

  registerController.$inject = ['$location', 'UsersService', '$timeout'];

  function registerController($location, UsersService, $timeout) {
      var vm = this;
      vm.master = {};
      vm.isValid = false;
      vm.error = false;
      vm.errorMessage = "";
      vm.user = {
        username : '',
        password : '',
        email: ''

      // function to submit the form after all validation has occurred
      vm.submitForm = function(isValid) {

        // check to make sure the form is completely valid
        if (isValid) {
          console.info('form valid');
          vm.isValid = true;
        if(vm.isValid === true){
          vm.error = true;
          vm.errorMessage = "All fields are required";

      function signup() {
        // initial values
        vm.error = false;
        vm.success = false;
        var username = vm.user.username;
        var password = vm.user.password;
        // call register from service
        UsersService.register(username, password)
          // handle success
          .then(function () {
            vm.success = true;
            vm.successMessage = "Registrations successful.You'll get confirmation email soon and you can proceed with login";
            $timeout(function() {
              }, 5000);
          // Catch error
          .catch(function (fallback) {
            vm.error = true;
            vm.errorMessage = fallback;

      function formReset(form){
        if(form === '' || form === undefined){
          form = vm.form;

        vm.contact = angular.copy(vm.master);


jade template

    form.form-horizontal.col-md-12(name="form" role="form", data-ng-submit="ctrl.submitForm(form.$valid)", method="post" novalidate, autocomplete="off")
        label.control-label.col-xs-3 Username

          input.form-control(type="text", name="username", placeholder="Enter Username", data-ng-model="ctrl.user.username", data-user-id="{{ctrl.user._id}}", data-ng-minlength="3", required="required" auth-username)

          span.help-inline.error(data-ng-show = "form.$dirty &&  form.username.$error.required") Username required
          span.help-inline.error(data-ng-show = "form.$dirty &&  form.username.$error.minlength") Username too short
          span.help-inline.error(data-ng-show = "ctrl.form.username.$touched && ctrl.form.username.$error.usernameExists") Username already taken

        label.control-label.col-xs-3 Password

          input.form-control(type="password", name="password", placeholder="Password", data-ng-model="ctrl.user.password", data-ng-minlength="6",ng-maxlength="16", required="required")

          span.help-inline.error(data-ng-show = "form.$dirty &&  form.password.$error.required") Password required
          span.help-inline.error(data-ng-show = "form.$dirty &&  form.password.$error.minlength || form.password.$error.maxlength") Password must be 6-16 character long

        label.control-label.col-xs-3 Repeat password

          input.form-control(type="password", name="repeatPassword", placeholder="Repeat Password", data-ng-model="ctrl.user.repeatPassword", data-ng-minlength="4",required="required", equal-to="ctrl.user.password")

          span.help-inline.error(data-ng-show = "form.$dirty && form.repeatPassword.$error.equalTo") Password must be equal


  button.btn.btn-default(type="submit") Submit

    button.btn.btn-primary(type="button") Cancel

I'm pretty much new to mean stack development, and I'm sure I miss something out.I appreciate your help. Thanks

PS: the code posted is a simplified and not optimized one

Angel M.
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1 Answers1


So first I try with the HTML autocomplete Attribute. But it was not working on chrome. After that I found this post Chrome Browser Ignoring AutoComplete=Off.

One of the solution to disable autocomplete is to set the input readonly and add a bit of js on the onfocus Attribute.


I test this solution with an angular form and it's working. See the original fiddle by fizzix

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  • thanks a lot, it is working :) just FYI, this is not only for Chrome, but for Firefox as well and seems it is enough to add readonly attr to username (not needed for password) – Angel M. Aug 06 '16 at 05:14