When i am hitting the url: http://localhost/api/adxxx/getDeals/?input=2

I get the following error:

"Message": "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost/api/adxxx/getDeals/?input=2'.",

"MessageDetail": "No type was found that matches the controller named 'adxxx'."

 public static class WebApiConfig
        public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
            config.DependencyResolver = new UnityResolver(UnityBootstrapper.Initialise());


                name: "xxx.services",
                routeTemplate: "webapi/{controller}/{action}"

               name: "xxx.services_new",
               routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}",
               defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }


public IHttpActionResult GetDeals(int input)
 //code here

How do i resolve this? Very similar apis having different route are working fine.

This happened when i have added fluent validation to my api. That updated my System.Web.Http.dll to v5.2.3.0

Sahil Sharma
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1 Answers1


Correct your route config for allow parameter

public IHttpActionResult GetDeals(int input)
 //code here

and then you can request it by

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  • in your controller I ma getting one parameter input but your error showing multiple parameter in url `'http://localhost/api/advantage/getDeals/?cityId=2&sc=0&so=1&pn=1'`, what is actual code one paramter or multiple ? – Mostafiz Aug 05 '16 at 11:43
  • Its actually multiple. but to simplify i had posted one parameter. Changed both now. – Sahil Sharma Aug 05 '16 at 11:44
  • This is action method now: [Route("api/adxxx/getDeals/{input}")] public IHttpActionResult GetDeals(int input) and this is what i hit from postman: http://localhost/api/adxxx/getDeals/2. But i get IIS 10.0 Detailed Error - 404.0 - Not Found error. – Sahil Sharma Aug 05 '16 at 11:52
  • do you have any port number in localhost like `http://localhost:8080` ? – Mostafiz Aug 05 '16 at 11:55
  • Port should not be an issue. Since other apis in same project (other controller) are working fine. – Sahil Sharma Aug 05 '16 at 11:56