I have just added my library to my maven repository via Bintray but when I try to add the dependency in a project, Gradle fails to find the .jar.

Error:Could not find mylib.jar      (com.test.mylib:mylib:1.0.0).
Searched in the following locations:

The issue is simply the name of the jar since I have a mylib-1.0.0-sources.jar in my repository. So how can I change this path ?


Note : I have added the maven url in the build.gradle.

I followed this tutorial to upload my library :


My problem is at the end of part 5 when I add the dependency as follow :

repositories {
   maven {
       url 'https://dl.bintray.com/nuuneoi/maven/'

dependencies {
    compile 'com.inthecheesefactory.thecheeselibrary:fb-like:0.9.3'

1 Answers1


Please try

compile 'com.inthecheesefactory.thecheeselibrary:fb-like:0.9.3@aar'
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