What's the actual use of 'fail' in JUnit test case?

Maciej Ziarko
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8 Answers8


Some cases where I have found it useful:

  • mark a test that is incomplete, so it fails and warns you until you can finish it
  • making sure an exception is thrown:
  // do stuff...
  fail("Exception not thrown");
}catch(Exception e){


Since JUnit4, there is a more elegant way to test that an exception is being thrown: Use the annotation @Test(expected=IndexOutOfBoundsException.class)

However, this won't work if you also want to inspect the exception, then you still need fail().

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    Consider this blog post about the relative merits of fail vs expected annotation: http://blog.jooq.org/2016/01/20/use-junits-expected-exceptions-sparingly/ – lbalazscs Feb 05 '16 at 22:16
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    @sleske "if you also want to inspect the exception, then you still need fail()" -- nope. ExpectedException is the way, see https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/wiki/exception-testing – kraxor Nov 15 '17 at 12:22
  • @kraxor: True, didn't know about it when I wrote the answer (it probably wasn't even around then). – sleske Nov 15 '17 at 22:39

Let's say you are writing a test case for a negative flow where the code being tested should raise an exception.

   fail(); // FAIL when no exception is thrown
} catch (BizException e) {
   assert(e.errorCode == THE_ERROR_CODE_U_R_LOOKING_FOR)
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I think the usual use case is to call it when no exception was thrown in a negative test.

Something like the following pseudo-code:

    try {
        foo.add(NIL);                      // we expect a NullPointerException here
        fail("No NullPointerException");   // cause the test to fail if we reach this            
     } catch (NullNullPointerException e) {
        // OK got the expected exception
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    If you do not check something in the catch block you can use the @ExpectedException(NullNullPointerException.class) method annotation to declare that you expect an exception (of a special kind). – FrVaBe Nov 17 '10 at 08:10

I've used it in the case where something may have gone awry in my @Before method.

public Object obj;

public void setUp() {
    // Do some set up
    obj = new Object();

public void testObjectManipulation() {
    if(obj == null) {
        fail("obj should not be null");

    // Do some other valuable testing
Ryan D
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    Yes, testing preconditions is good. However, if you want to make sure the `@Before` method succeeded, it's probably better to check it directly in that method. As a bonus, at least JUnit and TestNG will even report a different failure for errors from `@Before`/`@After` methods, so can see that the problem was not in the test itself. – sleske Jun 17 '16 at 11:51

This is how I use the Fail method.

There are three states that your test case can end up in

  1. Passed : The function under test executed successfully and returned data as expected
  2. Not Passed : The function under test executed successfully but the returned data was not as expected
  3. Failed : The function did not execute successfully and this was not

intended (Unlike negative test cases that expect a exception to occur).

If you are using eclipse there three states are indicated by a Green, Blue and red marker respectively.

I use the fail operation for the the third scenario.

e.g. : public Integer add(integer a, Integer b) { return new Integer(a.intValue() + b.intValue())}

  1. Passed Case : a = new Interger(1), b= new Integer(2) and the function returned 3
  2. Not Passed Case: a = new Interger(1), b= new Integer(2) and the function returned soem value other than 3
  3. Failed Case : a =null , b= null and the function throws a NullPointerException
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I, for example, use fail() to indicate tests that are not yet finished (it happens); otherwise, they would show as successful.

This is perhaps due to the fact that I am unaware of some sort of incomplete() functionality, which exists in NUnit.

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Alen Siljak
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In concurrent and/or asynchronous settings, you may want to verify that certain methods (e.g. delegates, event listeners, response handlers, you name it) are not called. Mocking frameworks aside, you can call fail() in those methods to fail the tests. Expired timeouts are another natural failure condition in such scenarios.

For example:

final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);

service.asyncCall(someParameter, new ResponseHandler<SomeType>() {
    public void onSuccess(SomeType result) {
        // Further test assertions on the result

    public void onError(Exception e) {

if ( !latch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS) ) {
    fail("No response after 5s");
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The most important use case is probably exception checking.

While junit4 includes the expected element for checking if an exception occurred, it seems like it isn't part of the newer junit5. Another advantage of using fail() over the expected is that you can combine it with finally allowing test-case cleanup.

try {
  fail("No DuplicateKeyException thrown.");
} catch (DuplicateKeyException e) {
  assertEquals("Error code doesn't match", 123, e.getErrorCode());
} finally {

As noted in another comment. Having a test to fail until you can finish implementing it sounds reasonable as well.

Udo Held
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