$('#followUser').click(function () {
        var userId       = $(this).attr('data-userId'),
            action       = $(this).attr('data-action'),
            currentUser  = $(this).attr('data-currentUserId'),
            elem         = $(this);

            method: 'POST',
            url: "/sci-profile/profile/follow",
            data: {
                userId: currentUser,
                profileUserId: userId,
                action: action
            success: function(response)
                 elem.parent().load(window.location.href + ' #unFollowUser');

After clicking on button, JS load new div with all its content, which is good, but problem starts at the moment when new div is loaded.

JS don't recognize new ID. And when I click on new button nothing happens because JS function has loaded when new element doesn't existed.

Is there a way to make some listener to check loads of new DIV and then load also JS function corresponding to that element ID?

Stevan Tosic
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    [Event delegation](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1687296/what-is-dom-event-delegation?answertab=votes#tab-top) – adeneo Jul 31 '16 at 17:44
  • 1
    http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8594408/reload-javascript-file-after-an-ajax-request Maybe this link can help. – Jo_bast Jul 31 '16 at 17:44
  • I spent some time to understand how to use .delegate() Thank you @Jo_bast for tips. – Stevan Tosic Jul 31 '16 at 19:17

2 Answers2


You should use delegate

For example you have this markup

<div id=contentWrapper>
    .....some content here....
    <button type=button id=followUser></button>
  • #contentWrapper - static block
  • anything inside it - dynamic content

Now you should bind your event like that

$('#contentWrapper').on('click', '#followUser' 'function () {
    ...code here...
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YES, I made it.

This is html

 <div class="follow">
        {% if followsId == null %}
            <div id="followUser"  data-userId="{{ profileUserData.id }}" data-currentUserId="{{ loggedUserData.id }}" data-action="follow">
        {% else %}
            <div id="unFollowUser" data-followsId="{{ followsId }}" data-action="unFollow">
        {% endif %}

And there is JS code

$('.follow').delegate('div', 'click', function(){
    action       = $(this).attr('data-action');
    elem         = $(this);

    if (action == 'follow'){
        var userId       = $(this).attr('data-userId'),
            currentUser  = $(this).attr('data-currentUserId');

            method: 'POST',
            url: "/sci-profile/profile/follow",
            data: {
                userId: currentUser,
                profileUserId: userId,
                action: action
            success: function(response)
                elem.parent().load(window.location.href + ' #unFollowUser');

    if (action == 'unFollow'){
        var followsId = $(this).attr('data-followsId');

            method: 'DELETE',
            url: "/sci-profile/profile/unFollow",
            data: {
                followsId: followsId
            success: function(response)
                elem.parent().load(window.location.href + ' #followUser');

I hope this will help to someone.

Stevan Tosic
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