I'm trying to match (look for) two words in a string which is as follows:

Mac OS X/10.11.5 (15F34); ExchangeWebServices/6.0 (243);

I want to match (true) if we see "Mac" AND "ExchangeWebServices" but the characters between the two words would be unknown/random. Can someone help me with the regex syntax?


Jason Shave
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3 Answers3


This will match exactly the words "Mac" and "ExchangeWebServices" with anything else between them:


Regex 101 Example: https://regex101.com/r/sK2qG1/4

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This is a simple regular expression can be get by


We are assuming 'Mac' and 'ExchangeWebServices' are two different words separated by some character.

you can follow the link to learn more of regular expressions Learning Regular Expressions

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With this regular epression you can find the words and anything in between even if the words are longer than the words in the regular expression:


It would find this string:

Mac OS X/10.11.5 whatever text in between (15F34); ExchangeWebServices/6.0 (243);

So, if you write the words without the end (ExchangeWebServ):


It would find both strings:

Mac OS X/10.11.5 whatever text in between (15F34); ExchangeWebServices/6.0 (243);


Mac OS X/10.11.5 whatever text in between (15F34); ExchangeWebServ/6.0 (243);

If you need to match exact words you'll need to use \b as mentioned in the answers above.

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