It happened again. My test data is not shown any more. I see only class and property names. Restarting does not help this time. Retracing neither. I've been rewriting my whole project since that happened. Now I tried to use Test Data class to address it from custom user controls so it would look like:

...d:DataContext="{Binding Source={DynamicResource TestData}, Path=Emploee}"...
//in resources
<main:TestData x:Key="TestData"/>

Not like it was previously:

...d:DataContext="{DynamicResource TestEmploee}"...
//in resources:
<shar:PVEmploee x:Key="TestEmploee" Name="Alpha" Surname="Omega" Phone="77777777" PVProfession="{DynamicResource TestProfession}"/>
<shar:PVProfession x:Key="TestProfession" Name="Some obnoxeously long profession name"/>

And right after those changes in this control (I've done it previously few times already to other controls, I've copied from previous project version) the designer crashed. Now I see this ridiculousness, instead of test data

I am frustrated. Am I supposed to restart it again? Or there could be some way to fix it.

zORg Alex
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  • [Answer to almost not realated question](http://stackoverflow.com/a/18082413/5847197) actually worked well (the question was - how to crash a Designer =D ). If I kill designer in Task Manager, and click "disable running code and reload the designer" in Studio the Designer loads pretty well and controls gets populated with Test Data. But I still need to do it every time I start working. It's annoying. – zORg Alex Jul 27 '16 at 11:07

1 Answers1


Answer to almost not realated question Actually worked well (the question was - how to crash a Designer =D ). If I kill designer in Task Manager, and click 2nd option in Studio. The Designer loads pretty well in a right way. All my Test Data right there. Or I found later that I can click small document icon on designer bottom to reload it with or without user code.

After a few such resets it started behaving. Marvelous!

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zORg Alex
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