I have a module in my application which shares same controller and services for two views under it. However my view 1 page title is set to be Home in the controller's init function like this


import angular from 'angular';
import 'angular-ui-router';
import 'd3';
import 'jquery';

// Controllers
import controller from './moduleoneController.js';

let path = './modules/moduleone/';

let modone = angular.module('modone', [

    // Controllers
    .controller('moduleoneCtrl', moduleoneCtrl)

    // Routes
    .config(['$stateProvider', function ($stateProvider) {
        .state('moduleone', {
            url: '/moduleone',
            controller: 'moduleoneCtrl',
            templateUrl: path + 'views/one.html',
            url: '/view2',
            controller: 'moduleoneCtrl',
            templateUrl: path + 'views/two.html',

export default moduleone;

//in my controller title is being set like this
    this.init = function () {



<div header-text="{{oneCtrl.title}}"></div>

but when I am using this controller for view 2 I cannot change the title to the one I wanted, How do we change it in such cases ?

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