I need to decide what component needs to be displayed based on backend response.

Eg: i get this response from backend

{ plugin: 
      id = 'inputfieldWidgetV12' 
  data: {
     value = 'helloWorld'

based on this I need to display a component inputfieldWidgetV12.ts, and pass the data to its constructor : {value = 'helloWorld'}.

how can I inject the component what i do not know during implementation?

I have tried require(plugin.id) but it didn't work.

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  • Basically I would need the same: Here there is a widgetContainer, and using DynamicComponentLoader what loads the component using a path, and adds it using loadIntoLocation().... See [example](http://plnkr.co/edit/z9bhXkqVonScYm7EqiF5) the problem is, that DynamicComponentLoader is Deprecated!, and with the advised ComponentResolver i cannot resolve a component, only if I import it... but I cannot do it, cause i do not know that... – javadev28hu Jul 26 '16 at 14:11

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