I am new to code igniter and have the following setup in my project files





Controller1 [which has only index method]

Controller2 [which has index method of its own]


Views/MyFolder1/index.php [which is view for Controller1]

Views/MyFolder2/index.php [which is view for Controller2]

Routes.php has following code

$route['MyFolder1'] = 'Controller1/index'; // Route to Controller 1 index 
$route['MyFolder2'] = 'Controller2/index'; // Route to Controller 2 index
$route['default_controller'] = 'Controller1';

config.php has

$config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost/projectname';

When I try to call http://localhost/projectname/Controller2/index.php or http://localhost/Controller2 I keep getting Error 404 Page not found . Can you please help resolve this problem ?


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2 Answers2


Add index.php before controller name, Like localhost/projectName/index.php/Controller2

to fix that follow this answer

CodeIgniter removing index.php from url

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You should call it as http://localhost/projectname/MyFolder2

The key of the $routes you used is the url you should open.

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  • Hello, Thanks for your reply. I have tried entering http://localhost/projectname/MyFolder2 and http://localhost/MyFolder2 which always gives me 404 page. However if I use http://localhost/projectname/MyFolder1 or http://localhost/projectname/ it fallback to the Controller1 and displays the page. Not really sure whats going on here with calling Controller2. – NaN Jul 26 '16 at 06:25
  • Try to look if there is a duplicate of `MyFolder2` route... routes that has `(:any)` at first segment of url could be the problem too. – rmondesilva Jul 26 '16 at 06:28
  • Nope, I am pretty sure that there are no duplicate names involved and have included what my Routes.php and other project files look like in the question. – NaN Jul 26 '16 at 06:34