I have .NET service and I need to debug it.

I want it to stop when it reaches some place in code and start the debugger. Can anyone provide some code sample?


Simply adding


does not work for Windows service.

Captain Comic
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  • I've simply added debugger launches to my win services with it successfully working. – Jeff LaFay Oct 04 '10 at 12:36
  • 2 jlafay. Well may be I ve got some permission issue. I am running the service on Windows 2003 server, where I have Visual Studio installed and it does not start the debugger. – Captain Comic Oct 04 '10 at 12:43

4 Answers4


Try using Debugger.Break(), as per this answer.

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Nathan Baulch
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Add a Debugger.Launch(); to the place in your code where you want to start debugging.

Klaus Byskov Pedersen
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  1. Add the following code to the place where you want to stop service.
  2. Run Service.
  3. Attach debugger
  4. Add f to watch, change it value to false
  5. Continue debugging

    bool f=true; while(f) {//<- Add breakpoint here


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Here are the steps for that:

1) Stop & uninstall the running service 2) Rename or remove the release version of the service 2) Create a Debug build of the service 3) Install this debug build of service 4) Start the service 5) Open the service solution from Visual studio 6) Select Tools->Attach process 7) In the process list you will see the running service, Attach it 8) Set breakpoints wherever required

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