In case you don't know Project Lombok helps with some of the annoyances of Java with stuff like generating getters and setters with annotations and even simple JavaBean like generation with @Data. It could really help me, especially in 50 different event objects where you have up to 7 different fields that need to be constructed and hidden with getters. I could remove almost a thousand lines of code with this.

However, I'm worried that in the long run, it will be a regretful decision. Flamewars will erupt in the ##Java Freenode channel when I mention it, providing code snippets will confuse possible helpers, people will complain about missing JavaDoc, and future commiters might just remove it all anyway. I would really enjoy the positive, but I'm worried about the negative.

So: Is it safe to use Lombok on any project, small or large? Are the positive effects worth the negatives?

Chamin Wickramarathna
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    [Add jdk9 compiler support #985](https://github.com/rzwitserloot/lombok/issues/985) is unresolved at time of my comment. Package system of Java 9 require adding a lot of CLI option to `javac` in order to open access to internal `sun.*` classes (( – gavenkoa Sep 22 '17 at 14:56
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    Maybe interessant: https://medium.com/@gabor.liptak/some-dangers-of-using-lombok-d759fc8f701f – Gábor Lipták Jun 19 '18 at 07:44
  • These days projects use the annotation preprocessor built into javac to do things like this - this mechanism is standard and it can be expected of good programmers to know this. – Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen Nov 12 '18 at 10:51

15 Answers15


Just started using Lombok today. So far I like it, but one drawback I didn't see mentioned was refactoring support.

If you have a class annotated with @Data, it will generate the getters and setters for you based on the field names. If you use one of those getters in another class, then decide the field is poorly named, it will not find usages of those getters and setters and replace the old name with the new name.

I would imagine this would have to be done via an IDE plug-in and not via Lombok.

UPDATE (Jan 22 '13)
After using Lombok for 3 months, I still recommend it for most projects. I did, however, find another drawback that is similar to the one listed above.

If you have a class, say MyCompoundObject.java that has 2 members, both annotated with @Delegate, say myWidgets and myGadgets, when you call myCompoundObject.getThingies() from another class, it's impossible to know if it's delegating to the Widget or Gadget because you can no longer jump to source within the IDE.

Using the Eclipse "Generate Delegate Methods..." provides you with the same functionality, is just as quick and provides source jumping. The downside is it clutters your source with boilerplate code that take the focus off the important stuff.

UPDATE 2 (Feb 26 '13)
After 5 months, we're still using Lombok, but I have some other annoyances. The lack of a declared getter & setter can get annoying at times when you are trying to familiarize yourself with new code.

For example, if I see a method called getDynamicCols() but I don't know what it's about, I have some extra hurdles to jump to determine the purpose of this method. Some of the hurdles are Lombok, some are the lack of a Lombok smart plugin. Hurdles include:

  • Lack of JavaDocs. If I javadoc the field, I would hope the getter and setter would inherit that javadoc through the Lombok compilation step.
  • Jump to method definition jumps me to the class, but not the property that generated the getter. This is a plugin issue.
  • Obviously you are not able to set a breakpoint in a getter/setter unless you generate or code the method.
  • NOTE: This Reference Search is not an issue as I first thought it was. You do need to be using a perspective that enables the Outline view though. Not a problem for most developers. My problem was I am using Mylyn which was filtering my Outline view, so I didn't see the methods. Lack of References search. If I want to see who's calling getDynamicCols(args...), I have to generate or code the setter to be able to search for references.

UPDATE 3 (Mar 7 '13)
Learning to use the various ways of doing things in Eclipse I guess. You can actually set a conditional breakpoint (BP) on a Lombok generated method. Using the Outline view, you can right-click the method to Toggle Method Breakpoint. Then when you hit the BP, you can use the debugging Variables view to see what the generated method named the parameters (usually the same as the field name) and finally, use the Breakpoints view to right-click the BP and select Breakpoint Properties... to add a condition. Nice.

UPDATE 4 (Aug 16 '13)
Netbeans doesn't like it when you update your Lombok dependencies in your Maven pom. The project still compiles, but files get flagged for having compilation errors because it can't see the methods Lombok is creating. Clearing the Netbeans cache resolves the issue. Not sure if there is a "Clean Project" option like there is in Eclipse. Minor issue, but wanted to make it known.

UPDATE 5 (Jan 17 '14)
Lombok doesn't always play nice with Groovy, or at least the groovy-eclipse-compiler. You might have to downgrade your version of the compiler. Maven Groovy and Java + Lombok

UPDATE 6 (Jun 26 '14)
A word of warning. Lombok is slightly addictive and if you work on a project where you can't use it for some reason, it will annoy the piss out of you. You may be better off just never using it at all.

UPDATE 7 (Jul 23 '14)
This is a bit of an interesting update because it directly addresses the safety of adopting Lombok that the OP asked about.

As of v1.14, the @Delegate annotation has been demoted to an Experimental status. The details are documented on their site (Lombok Delegate Docs).

The thing is, if you were using this feature, your backout options are limited. I see the options as:

  • Manually remove @Delegate annotations and generate/handcode the delegate code. This is a little harder if you were using attributes within the annotation.
  • Delombok the files that have the @Delegate annotation and maybe add back in the annotations that you do want.
  • Never update Lombok or maintain a fork (or live with using experiential features).
  • Delombok your entire project and stop using Lombok.

As far as I can tell, Delombok doesn't have an option to remove a subset of annotations; it's all or nothing at least for the context of a single file. I opened a ticket to request this feature with Delombok flags, but I wouldn't expect that in the near future.

UPDATE 8 (Oct 20 '14)
If it's an option for you, Groovy offers most of the same benefits of Lombok, plus a boat load of other features, including @Delegate. If you think you'll have a hard time selling the idea to the powers that be, take a look at the @CompileStatic or @TypeChecked annotation to see if that can help your cause. In fact, the primary focus of the Groovy 2.0 release was static safety.

UPDATE 9 (Sep 1 '15)
Lombok is still being actively maintained and enhanced, which bodes well to the safety level of adoption. The @Builder annotations is one of my favorite new features.

UPDATE 10 (Nov 17 '15)
This may not seem directly related to the OP's question, but worth sharing. If you're looking for tools to help you reduce the amount of boilerplate code you write, you can also check out Google Auto - in particular AutoValue. If you look at their slide deck, the list Lombok as a possible solution to the problem they are trying to solve. The cons they list for Lombok are:

  • The inserted code is invisible (you can't "see" the the methods it generates) [ed note - actually you can, but it just requires a decompiler]
  • The compiler hacks are non-standard and fragile
  • "In our view, your code is no longer really Java"

I'm not sure how much I agree with their evaluation. And given the cons of AutoValue that are documented in the slides, I'll be sticking with Lombok (if Groovy is not an option).

UPDATE 11 (Feb 8 '16)
I found out Spring Roo has some similar annotations. I was a little surprised to find out Roo is still a thing and finding documentation for the annotations is a bit rough. Removal also doesn't look as easy as de-lombok. Lombok seems like the safer choice.

UPDATE 12 (Feb 17 '16)
While trying to come up with justifications for why it's safe to bring in Lombok for the project I'm currently working on, I found a piece of gold that was added with v1.14 - The Configuration System! This is means you can configure a project to dis-allow certain features that your team deems unsafe or undesirable. Better yet, it can also create directory specific config with different settings. This is AWESOME.

UPDATE 13 (Oct 4 '16)
If this kind of thing matters to you, Oliver Gierke felt it was safe to add Lombok to Spring Data Rest.

UPDATE 14 (Sep 26 '17)
As pointed out by @gavenkoa in the comments on the OPs question, JDK9 compiler support isn't yet available (Issue #985). It also sounds like it's not going to be an easy fix for the Lombok team to get around.

UPDATE 15 (Mar 26 '18)
The Lombok changelog indicates as of v1.16.20 "Compiling lombok on JDK1.9 is now possible" even though #985 is still open.

Changes to accommodate JDK9, however, necessitated some breaking changes; all isolated to changes in config defaults. It's a little concerning that they introduced breaking changes, but the version only bumped the "Incremental" version number (going from v1.16.18 to v1.16.20). Since this post was about the safety, if you had a yarn/npm like build system that automatically upgraded to the latest incremental version, you might be in for a rude awakening.

UPDATE 16 (Jan 9 '19)

It seems the JDK9 issues have been resolved and Lombok works with JDK10, and even JDK11 as far as I can tell.

One thing I noticed though that was concerning from a safety aspect is the fact that the change log going from v1.18.2 to v1.18.4 lists two items as BREAKING CHANGE!? I'm not sure how a breaking change happens in a semver "patch" update. Could be an issue if you use a tool that auto-updates patch versions.

UPDATE 17 (Mar 17 '21)

There is some drama unfolding between the Lombok developers and an OpenJDK developer around JDK 16. The JDK developers argue that Lombok is taking advantage of unpublished JDK internals via loopholes the JDK team would like to close, but have intentionally left open for various reasons.

They have stated their concern (about the safety of Lombok) as such:

All access to internals will remain available as before, provided that the client application explicitly allows it, acknowledging that it is knowingly taking on any maintenance (or security) issue this might entail.

While Lombok might think they're deceiving OpenJDK, all they're doing is announcing that it is their intention to deceive their own users.

There may come a day soon where Lombok will not be able to find any more creative solutions around the JDK's security restrictions. Even if they do, the safety of using Lombok in your project may be in question.

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    Thanks I think this was the information the OP really wanted as opposed to a philosophical response. – chaostheory Mar 01 '13 at 01:42
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    `UPDATE 6` feels a lot like Scala :) – mauhiz Oct 07 '15 at 09:40
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    @mauhiz And Groovy. If I ever had to work at a place where I couldn't use Groovy or Scala at least for testing, I'd probably quit in a short amount of time. – Snekse Oct 07 '15 at 14:26
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    I'm going to forget about Lombrok. Nice review by the way :) – severin.julien May 27 '16 at 04:38
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    I really like your updates over time style response. Particularly for a question/response of this style it really helps. – MattG Jul 28 '16 at 22:02
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    Great work doing this! You just convinced me to add Lombok to our project! thanks, thanks, thanks! – jfneis Jan 26 '17 at 11:48
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    Top 25 answers on SO right here. – Dmitry Minkovsky Jan 29 '17 at 17:36
  • Thanks @sixtyfootersdude for the bounty! It was a nice gesture. https://stackoverflow.com/users/251589/sixtyfootersdude?tab=bounties&sort=offered – Snekse Sep 27 '17 at 01:38
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    Lombok project has a new beta release that seems fix most of the java 9 issues. – Keyhan Dec 11 '17 at 07:50
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    It seems that Java 9 support is now available. You can update your answer. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41520511/does-project-lombok-support-java-9 – leventunver Mar 04 '18 at 10:50
  • Very helpful very nicely written – Vivek Panday Mar 04 '18 at 18:39
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    this reads like a novel. – MK. Mar 26 '18 at 21:39
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    Thanks for the entertaining and informative answer. I'm coming back to Java from JavaScript and Kotlin, and Lombok is very tempting. But I'm writing code to eventually be taken over by others (I'll say no more) and it feels like a bridge too far in this particular case. – MikeThomas Jul 24 '18 at 15:24
  • @MikeThomas I think my biggest hesitation would be the IDE integration. It's not a straight "Clone repo, run build tool". Though it's pretty easily covered w/ a project README and a link to the Lombok docs which are pretty good. And maybe a link to this SO answer :-) – Snekse Jul 24 '18 at 16:06
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    Nice answer! +1 for keeping answer up to date with various developments around Lombok. – Anshul Goyal Sep 10 '18 at 04:30
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    Best answer I've read on SO so far +1 – raevilman Dec 17 '18 at 10:00
  • Really appreciate the timely response. One thing I would like to add is `Careful with ToString()` method, it will cause infinite recursion with Jackson and JPA relationships like `ManyToMany , OneToMany`. I typically use Lombok `@Getter,` `@Setter` annotations and implement `equals()` and `hashCode()` separately – Pavan Jadda Jun 21 '19 at 21:36
  • this should be an accepted answer – nomadSK25 Jul 08 '19 at 11:00
  • Very good answer, but I am missing one point: I think it is *unsafe* by using it inappropriate. Eg if you add a private member, you could expect it to really be private, but Lombok does generate getters and setters. And even worse, if you later add a private member to a Lombok-class it automatically is added to the equals and hashcode methods and could break your application. This would not happen, if coded manually. But as long you use Lombok for simple POJOs, it should be safe. – Datz Sep 18 '19 at 13:23
  • @Datz That's on the developer who adds that private member. If you truly want it to be private, then you need to exclude it from those annotations. And if you decide for your project that it's not worth the risk, then your team can set the `lombok.data.flagUsage` props for the annotations you want to disallow and continue to use the other things that you find provide a benefit. – Snekse Sep 18 '19 at 16:28
  • @Snekse Right, that's what I meant with *I think it is unsafe by using it inappropriate*! – Datz Sep 19 '19 at 19:56
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    This is one of those Hall of Fame answers, should've been the accepted answer. Thanks for your inputs! – Mayank Sharma Jan 22 '21 at 08:54

It sounds like you've already decided that Project Lombok gives you significant technical advantages for your proposed new project. (To be clear from the start, I have no particular views on Project Lombok, one way or the other.)

Before you use Project Lombok (or any other game-changing technology) in some project (open source or other wise), you need to make sure that the project stake holders agree to this. This includes the developers, and any important users (e.g. formal or informal sponsors).

You mention these potential issues:

Flamewars will erupt in the ##Java Freenode channel when I mention it,

Easy. Ignore / don't participate in the flamewars, or simply refrain from mentioning Lombok.

providing code snippets will confuse possible helpers,

If the project strategy is to use Lombok, then the possible helpers will need to get used to it.

people will complain about missing JavaDoc,

That is their problem. Nobody in their right mind tries to rigidly apply their organization's source code / documentation rules to third-party open source software. The project team should be free to set project source code / documentation standards that are appropriate to the technology being used.

(FOLLOWUP - The Lombok developers recognize that not generating javadoc comments for synthesized getter and setter methods is an issue. If this is a major problem for your project(s), then one alternative is to create and submit a Lombok patch to address this.)

and future commiters might just remove it all anyway.

That's not on! If the agreed project strategy is to use Lombok, then commiters who gratuitously de-Lombok the code should be chastised, and if necessary have their commit rights withdrawn.

Of course, this assumes that you've got buy-in from the stakeholders ... including the developers. And it assumes that you are prepared to argue your cause, and appropriately handle the inevitable dissenting voices.

Stephen C
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    What about in small open source projects? Your idea of the team agreeing is really good, but I'm also curious in the 1-2 person OS project point of view – TheLQ Oct 04 '10 at 00:38
  • Same principle really, except that getting the agreement of one person (yourself) is a non-issue. I guess it might put off other possible project participants, but the kind of people who would be put off are probably not the kind of people you want anyway. Besides, they are hypothetical. – Stephen C Oct 04 '10 at 00:49
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    I thing when he talks about missing JavaDoc, he means that getters and setters will not have JavaDoc, which is not very good. – Denis Tulskiy Oct 04 '10 at 03:11
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    As a Lombok developer, I can say that generating javadoc is technically possible. Please participate in the google group if you've any bright ideas how to implement it. I mean, just generating a standard text is not that useful. Like getFoo, returns foo, setFoo sets the foo? How is that going to help? – Roel Spilker Oct 04 '10 at 07:46
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    I'd say that javadoc for bean getters/setters does more harm than good. Those methods follow a well-understood convention that does not need to be added to the javadoc; that just adds to the noise. Only add documentation to getters and setters when they do something unexpected i.e. when they have side-effects. – GaryF Oct 04 '10 at 11:20
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    I just realized that the javadoc remark might refer to the fact that if you generate javadoc for your lomboked code, the getters and setters don't show up at all. The way to fix that is to run javadoc over your delomboked code. – Roel Spilker Oct 05 '10 at 07:52
  • It looks like [javadoc for generated getters and setters](https://code.google.com/p/projectlombok/issues/detail?id=59) will come in the next release of Lombok, but only in the compiled code, not in Eclipse. – Don Kirkby Aug 01 '13 at 17:25
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    @GaryF Really? How about documenting whether the value can be null? Or the permissible range for a numeric value? Or the permissible length and/or format of a String value? Or whether a String value is suitable for presenting to an end user? Or documenting what the property actually means, when its name can't possibly explain it in full? ([JList.getLayoutOrientation](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/javax/swing/JList.html#getLayoutOrientation--) and [JList.setLayoutOrientation](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/javax/swing/JList.html#setLayoutOrientation-int-) come to mind.) – VGR Nov 04 '15 at 03:56
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    @VGR those are some useful counter-examples of where, yes, we might want some Javadoc. I'd still say generally that most Javadoc of getters/setters is noise: auto-generated docs for mostly generated or trivial property getting/setting. Keep in mind the context here, too: Lombok is for generating getters/setters on simple property-style fields, and not where additional validating logic is applied. – GaryF Nov 04 '15 at 07:57
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    @GaryF It's noise because developers are too lazy to document substantively. Business objects, especially, need documentation. I've lost count of the number of bean classes I've dealt with whose properties made no sense to anyone who didn't have months or years of domain-specific knowledge. Most developers would document `getDate()` with javadoc that just says `Gets this object's date`, which might seem to support your argument, but really, the developer should have explained *what* the date is for. (Date of submission? Date of creation? Date due? Date of expiration?) – VGR Nov 04 '15 at 13:58
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    @VGR I agree with what you're saying generally, but a better solution in that specific case is better naming, not comments. i.e. `getCreationDate`, `getDueDate`. Naming trumps comments where possible. – GaryF Nov 06 '15 at 08:44
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    IMO it makes sense to use the javadoc on the field itself to capture the domain specific knowledge, rather than repeating it in both the getter and setter. (late to the party, I know) – Kyrstellaine May 11 '17 at 23:55

Go ahead and use Lombok, you can if necessary "delombok" your code afterwards http://projectlombok.org/features/delombok.html

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    @fastcodejava when you say "+1 for x", x should be one of the points listed not the one and only point :) – Kerem Baydoğan May 21 '14 at 08:01
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    In this particular situation, I interpreted "+1 for delombok" as "long live delombok". I like it. – Zoltán Feb 04 '15 at 15:52
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    "+1 for delombok" - especially true when you want to use lombok in projects that will be provided to your clients. You can take all advantages of lombok and let your clients see a clean jar without lombok dependency. – fwonce Jan 22 '17 at 10:37
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    For people thinking "ok, I'll give Lombok a try, and if I don't like it I'll just Delombok": think twice. Running Delombok is a painful process. And the resulting code will work like it did with Lombok... but it will also be a complete mess. – AJPerez Aug 26 '19 at 12:05

Personally (and therefore subjectively) I've found that using Lombok makes my code more expressive about what I'm trying to achieve when compared to IDE/own implementations of intricate methods such as hashcode & equals.

When using

@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false, of = { "field1", "field2", "field3" })

it's much easier to keep Equals & HashCode consistent and keep track of which fields are evaluated, than any IDE/own implementation. This is especially true when you're still adding / removing fields regularly.

The same goes for the @ToString annotation and its parameters which clearly communicate the desired behavior regarding included / excluded fields, usage of getters or field access and wether or not to call super.toString().

And again by annotating an entire class with @Getter or @Setter(AccessLevel.NONE) (and optionally overriding any divergent methods) it's immediately clear what methods will be available for the fields.

The benefits go on and on..

In my mind it's not about reducing code, but about clearly communicating what you desire to achieve, rather than having to figure it out from Javadoc or implementations. The reduced code just makes it easier to spot any divergent-method implementations.

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    And to add to this: switching to Lombok has actually allowed to solve some intricate bugs in the past due to mismatched equals / hashCode implementations, and cases in which I forgot to update now-generated methods when a field was added. These potential benefits should be able to out balance most of the negatives you've mentioned. – Tim Oct 04 '10 at 08:13

Lombok is great, but...

Lombok breaks the rules of annotation processing, in that it doesn't generate new source files. This means it cant be used with another annotation processors if they expect the getters/setters or whatever else to exist.

Annotation processing runs in a series of rounds. In each round, each one gets a turn to run. If any new java files are found after the round is completed, another round begins. In this way, the order of annotation processors doesn't matter if they only generate new files. Since lombok doesn't generate any new files, no new rounds are started so some AP that relies on lombok code don't run as expected. This was a huge source of pain for me while using mapstruct, and delombok-ing isn't a useful option since it destroys your line numbers in logs.

I eventually hacked a build script to work with both lombok and mapstruct. But I want to drop lombok due to how hacky it is -- in this project at least. I use lombok all the time in other stuff.

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I read some opinions about the Lombok and actually I'm using it in some projects.

Well, in the first contact with Lombok I had a bad impression. After some weeks, I started to like it. But after some months I figure out a lot of tiny problems using it. So, my final impression about Lombok is not so positive.

My reasons to think in this way:

  • IDE plugin dependency. The IDE support for Lombok is through plugins. Even working good in most part of the time, you are always a hostage from this plugins to be maintained in the future releases of the IDEs and even the language version (Java 10+ will accelerate the development of the language). For example, I tried to update from Intellij IDEA 2017.3 to 2018.1 and I couldn't do that because there was some problem on the actual lombok plugin version and I needed to wait the plugin be updated... This also is a problem if you would like to use a more alternative IDE that don't have any Lombok plugin support.
  • 'Find usages' problem.. Using Lombok you don't see the generated getter, setter, constructor, builder methods and etc. So, if you are planning to find out where these methods are being used in your project by your IDE, you can't do this only looking for the class that owns this hidden methods.
  • So easy that the developers don't care to break the encapsulation. I know that it's not really a problem from Lombok. But I saw a bigger tendency from the developers to not control anymore what methods needs to be visible or not. So, many times they are just copying and pasting @Getter @Setter @Builder @AllArgsConstructor @NoArgsConstructor annotations block without thinking what methods the class really need to be exposed.
  • Builder Obssession ©. I invented this name (get off, Martin Fowler). Jokes apart, a Builder is so easy to create that even when a class have only two parameters the developers prefer to use @Builder instead of constructor or a static constructor method. Sometimes they even try to create a Builder inside the lombok Builder, creating weird situations like MyClass.builder().name("Name").build().create().
  • Barriers when refactoring. If you are using, for example, a @AllArgsConstructor and need to add one more parameter on the constructor, the IDE can't help you to add this extra parameter in all places (mostly, tests) that are instantiating the class.
  • Mixing Lombok with concrete methods. You can't use Lombok in all scenarios to create a getter/setter/etc. So, you will see these two approaches mixed in your code. You get used to this after some time, but feels like a hack on the language.

Like another answer said, if you are angry about the Java verbosity and use Lombok to deal with it, try Kotlin.

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    I'd say go for Kotlin or stay with plain Java. You may spend more time going around Lombok issues than you save by not typing the java code. – jediz May 02 '18 at 09:55
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    Whoever hates Java only because of the verbosity is his fault for not making his code less verbose... – Nikolas Charalambidis Feb 05 '20 at 17:11

There are long-term maintenance risks as well. First, I'd recommend reading about how Lombok actually works, e.g. some answers from its developers here.

The official site also contains a list of downsides, including this quote from Reinier Zwitserloot:

It's a total hack. Using non-public API. Presumptuous casting (knowing that an annotation processor running in javac will get an instance of JavacAnnotationProcessor, which is the internal implementation of AnnotationProcessor (an interface), which so happens to have a couple of extra methods that are used to get at the live AST).

On eclipse, it's arguably worse (and yet more robust) - a java agent is used to inject code into the eclipse grammar and parser class, which is of course entirely non-public API and totally off limits.

If you could do what lombok does with standard API, I would have done it that way, but you can't. Still, for what its worth, I developed the eclipse plugin for eclipse v3.5 running on java 1.6, and without making any changes it worked on eclipse v3.4 running on java 1.5 as well, so it's not completely fragile.

As a summary, while Lombok may save you some development time, if there is a non-backwards compatible javac update (e.g. a vulnerability mitigation) Lombok might get you stuck with an old version of Java while the developers scramble to update their usage of those internal APIs. Whether this is a serious risk obviously depends on the project.

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    Well, in case you can't use Lombok anymore, just run delombok and continue development without it. – vladich Feb 17 '17 at 19:55
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    This is like learning to drive wearing glasses and then losing them before the driving test. If your team is used to working with Lombok'ed code and is suddenly forced to change their process due to a breaking change, that's going to have a huge impact on ongoing projects. Is it not better to avoid this risk altogether and use a framework that doesn't rely on undocumented features or a language like Scala that provides the same features out of the box? – dskrvk Jan 31 '18 at 20:16

I have used Lombok in almost all my projects for one year but unfortunately removed it. In the beginning it was a very clean way of development but setting up the development environment for new team members is not very easy and straightforward. When it became a headache I just removed it. But it is a good work and needs some more simplicity to setting up.

Sanjeev Sachdev
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    can you elaborate on the headaches? – Kevin Welker Sep 10 '12 at 16:10
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    The setup for Eclipse is extremely straightforward. Just "java -jar lombok.jar". –  Apr 16 '14 at 19:01
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    I think the hardest part of setting up a new developer is realizing that _you need_ to setup Lombok. There's no message saying "Lombok has not been setup" or anything like that. Instead you get weird messages like "setFoo" is not defined. If Lombok education is not part of your new developer on-board training process, then there will be major confusion. – Snekse Jul 09 '14 at 15:06
  • @Snekse. I don't know exactly which lombok plugin version introduced the intellij idea notification and suggestion (a red message and suggestion pops up in error log to urge the user to enable the annotation and even provided the link to the configuration section), but Idea 2016.3 and 0.13.16 plugin version contains contains this useful support. – jtonic Dec 15 '16 at 05:50
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    The lombok idea plugin (I use the version 0.13.16) recently introduces the support to notify the user the annotation processor was not configured and also provide a link to the configuration settings section to enable the apt. Please see the screenshot at. https://postimg.org/image/5tm2zzvkh/ – jtonic Dec 15 '16 at 06:01
  • @jtonic Sorry, I mean in Eclipse. I haven't used Eclipse or Lombok in 2+ years, so I'm not even sure if it's an issue still. – Snekse Dec 15 '16 at 18:49
  • Lombok setup (such `Enable annotation processing` can be documented, so new developers will not struggle when joining a project. – Leonid Dashko May 30 '20 at 10:11

I know I'm late, but I can't resist the temptation: anybody liking Lombok should also have a look at Scala. Many good ideas that you find in Lombok are part of the Scala language.

On your question: it's definitely easier to get your developers trying Lombok than Scala. Give it a try and if they like it, try Scala.

Just as a disclaimer: I like Java, too!

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  • I like Scala and Lombok, but I can't see which ideas are you talking about. \@SneakyThrows, \@Data, ...? – sinuhepop Aug 28 '13 at 22:26
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    @sinuhepop Generating getters and setters looks like Case Classes. The immutable-feature is Scala inherent and enriching APIs about your own methods is a built in Scala feature, too. – sorencito Aug 29 '13 at 06:30
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    try Kotlin, too – jediz May 02 '18 at 09:57

My take on Lombok is that it merely provides shortcuts for writing bolilerplate Java code.
When it comes to using shortcuts for writing bolilerplate Java code, I would rely on such features provided by IDE -- like in Eclipse, we can go to menu Source > Generate Getters and Setters for generating getters and setters.
I would not rely on a library like Lombok for this:

  1. It pollutes your code with an indirection layer of alternative syntax (read @Getter, @Setter, etc. annotations). Rather than learning an alternative syntax for Java, I would switch to any other language that natively provides Lombok like syntax.
  2. Lombok requires the use of a Lombok supported IDE to work with your code. This dependency introduces a considerable risk for any non-trivial project. Does the open source Lombok project have enough resources to keep providing support for different versions of a wide range of Java IDE's available?
  3. Does the open source Lombok project have enough resources to keep providing support for newer versions of Java that will be coming in future?
  4. I also feel nervous that Lombok may introduce compatibility issues with widely used frameworks/libraries (like Spring, Hibernate, Jackson, JUnit, Mockito) that work with your byte code at runtime.

All in all I would not prefer to "spice up" my Java with Lombok.

Sanjeev Sachdev
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  • One counter argument to this would be - what if someone used IDE to build all the boilderplate of a POJO, but then later one of the getters/setters was renamed or removed. The class is no longer a strict POJO, but this must be inferred from careful inspection of all the methods of the class. I find that lombok annotations at least avoid this and make the business logic of my classes much more salient. All of your points are valid; however, just wanted to offer this thought. And lombok takes this further with @Data/@Value/@Utility/@Builder – Adam Hughes Jan 10 '19 at 22:51

When I showed the project to my team the enthusiasm was high, so I think you should not be afraid of team response.

  • As far as ROI, it is a snap to integrate, and requires no code change in its basic form. (just adding a single annotation to your class)

  • And last, if you change your mind, you can run the unlombok, or let your IDE create these setters, getters, and ctors, (which I think no one will ask for once they see how clear your pojo becomes)

Dov Tsal S
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Wanted to use lombok's @ToString but soon faced random compile errors on project rebuild in Intellij IDEA. Had to hit compile several times before incremental compilation could complete with success.

Tried both lombok 1.12.2 and 0.9.3 with Intellij IDEA 12.1.6 and 13.0 without any lombok plugin under jdk 1.6.0_39 and 1.6.0_45.

Had to manually copy generated methods from delomboked source and put lombok on hold until better times.


The problem happens only with parallel compile enabled.

Filed an issue: https://github.com/rzwitserloot/lombok/issues/648


mplushnikov commented on 30 Jan 2016:

Newer version of Intellij doesn't have such issues anymore. I think it can be closed here.


I would highly recommend to switch from Java+Lombok to Kotlin if possible. As it has resolved from the ground up all Java issues that Lombok tries to work around.

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I have encountered a problem with Lombok and Jackson CSV, when I marshalized my object (java bean) to a CSV file, columns where duplicated, then I removed Lombok's @Data annotation and marshalizing worked fine.

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I'm not recommend it. I used to use it, but then when I work with NetBeans 7.4 it was messing my codes. I've to remove lombok in all of files in my projects. There is delombok, but how can I be sure it would not screw my codes. I have to spends days just to remove lombok and back to ordinary Java styles. I just too spicy...

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I haven't tried using Lombok yet - it is/was next on my list, but it sounds as if Java 8 has caused significant problems for it, and remedial work was still in progress as of a week ago. My source for that is https://code.google.com/p/projectlombok/issues/detail?id=451 .

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    Just for the record, that issue was migrated to https://github.com/rzwitserloot/lombok/issues/524 – seanf Oct 20 '15 at 03:00
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    I don't have any problems with lombok on Java 8 – Alexey Jul 09 '16 at 11:56
  • I was working with lombok for months now and it works well with Java 8. The project that I am working is already using lombok for years and no problems encountered so far. – kevenlolo May 29 '18 at 01:50