
I am a beginner in Python self studying Python 2.7. May I ask one question I got in line counting codes in Python? How do I intuitively understand why the below works, especially how I can understand what the for loop is doing with the file handle?

Many thanks all

for line in fhand:

print count
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4 Answers4


open() returns a file object.

count=0 initializes a count variable with the value of 0.

As you can see in the documentation of the file object, using a for loop will get you the contents of the file line-by-line. (This is because file objects are iterable.)

Each time you get the contents of a line, count=count+1 adds 1 to the count variable.

print count dumps the contents of the count variable.

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A file object is an iterator which when used will return each line of the file. Therefore, the count in the for-loop will simply count the number of lines in the file

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fhand=open('test.txt') # Opens the file and puts the content of it in the "fhand" variable
count=0 # Creates new variable "count" and sets it to 0
for line in fhand:
    count=count+1 # Increase count by 1 for every line in the file

print count # Prints the amount of lines
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In Python, when you open the file, you are getting access to its contents.


The above does the job.


When you initialize count to 0, that means the variable is set to value 0, and once it enters the loop,


adds +1 to it every time.

for line in fhand

Above code is for iteration. It loops over each and every line of the file fhand and for every iteration, it adds +1 to count.

When the iteration is complete, the value of count is set, which you print later to get the count of number of lines.

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